Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Americans must defend America, as no one else is left to do it

The Post & Email

by John Charlton
© 2009/2010

Gadsen Flag(Feb. 16, 2010) — And there is no one left to defend the United States, but We the People, because by stratagems and deceits various and obscure to most, the will to fight and the knowledge of who is the enemy have been sapped from those who govern & protect us, both in the Federal and State governments.

That this thesis is true can be proven simply by a calm consideration of the facts. However, such a consideration requires the soul of a patriot to steel himself to take up arms to defend the country, because when there is no law and order, the People must restore law and order, even by force.


Obama Attempts To Pull Off Greatest Rip-Offs, Con Jobs In History


DefendUSx Published:

Nice to see Herb catching onto something now that many people (who research) new a year ago.

The Advocate
By Herb Denenberg, The Bulletin
Monday, February 09, 2009
As an old-time consumer reporter, I can tell you when a salesman says you have to do the deal right now, chances are he’s a rip-off artist, and a good general rule is to walk away — or better yet, run away.

The old now-or-never routine is generally regarded as a red flag flying. When a president tells Congress and the nation you have to do a trillion-dollar deal immediately or catastrophe is in the wings, you should be skeptical. When he says we’ll get into a recession we’ll never get out of, you know he’s just blowing smoky hot air, and has found a way to repeal the age-old business cycle. And after more study of the proposal, you may conclude as I did that President Barack Obama is pulling off one of the great rip-offs of history. Jamming a trillion-dollar deal down the throat of Congress and the American people without proper hearings, study, and consideration. I suspected from the beginning he was a fraud, and now I can add rip-off artist and con man to that message.

Mister Cool and Detached

American  ThinkerAmerican  Thinker

By Geoffrey P. Hunt

Much has been made of President Obama’s recent about-face on tax increases for the middle class. Obama says he is now “an agnostic.” What this really means is that he has no conviction, no plan, and no blueprint, and he will increase taxes as long as somebody else tells him to do it.

Obama’s admirers will point to his ambivalence as “cool and detached.” “Deliberate and thoughtful” are like-minded badges describing a powerful intellect making an agonizing choice among equally unattractive alternatives. This has been Obama’s style in dealing with Iran, terrorist captives, and economic recovery.

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