Thursday, February 18, 2010

Shocked and Saddened or is it going to be Saddened and Shocked

Joseph Andrew Stack woke up today determined to end his life. He decided to strike out as a last act of defiance.

Stack will go down as a deranged individual, perhaps though, amid this act of irrationality there still existed a shred of sanity.

Obama will make his cookie cutter trite comment of being "shocked and saddened" by the events in Austin, Texas, for the loss and injury to the innocent.

I ask what responsibility does our government, especially the Obama Regime, bear in pushing it's citizenry to the point of committing an insane act. Is the IRS innocent, is Obama innocent, are the 535 members of Congress innocent, I say no. They are culpable.

Some of us are stronger than others, sadly for all concerned Stack wasn't as strong. There is much wrong with this act, there is much wrong here in our country, and especially our government, there are no innocents.



  1. I remember the rationalisers after 9/11 who blamed the US for inciting terrorists to attack our country. It must have been our foreign policy, our economic oppression, our Hollywood movies ... anything to blame the US and excuse the terrorists.

    I think you just topped them.

  2. Hardly. The only thing Stack had in common with radical Muslims is the fact he flew a plane into the side of a building.

    Beck today is pouncing on the "right wing extremist" Mcveaish act angle for Obama political profit. Tamp down the outrage.

    No mention of being driven over the edge by our own government.


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