Friday, April 23, 2010

CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING...Use common sense and look at the FACTS...

AKA Obama refuses to show us his birth certificate! PERIOD. Don't let any Obot tell you otherwise. Why not? ...In FACT, he has done this at taxpayer expense in the amount of $2 million. Is that reasonable?

Also consider the FACT that the USURPER has allowed a highly trained and honorable soldier, i.e., LTC Terry Lakin to be charged with crimes by the army, for simply asking the "president" to produce documentation proving that he is constitutionally eligible to hold that office. Let's face legitimate president, no reasonable human being, no AMERICAN would do such a despicable thing to an American soldier! Where is the outrage?

And consider that as a result of Obama's Indonesian citizenship via adoption, and that is FACT, he could never regain U.S. "natural born" status, assuming he ever had such status in the first place. In effect his allegiance had been compromised. If he could show us however that he became a naturalized American (giving up his Indonesian citizenship in the process), he still would not be constitutionally qualified to be POTUS. That's a FACT!

AKA Obama could have become a naturalized American upon his return from Indonesia only if the proper paperwork were filed with the U.S. State Dept., after going through U.S. Immigration upon his return to the U.S. There is no record of that ever happening! In FACT, there is no record of his changing his adopted name Barry Soetoro back to Barack Hussein Obama. That's a FACT!

This likely explains why Obama has been so adamant in refusing to release his school, college and university records - they would show Obama received aid for school as a foreign national. These records will surely show that Indonesian, Barry Soetoro attended college here in America and not an American citizen supposedly named Barack Obama. Also, AKA Obama has not conclusively proved that he went to any of the colleges he mentions in his biography. Only at Occidental does someone purportedly remember him. That's a FACT.

However, throw all that out and you will still find that by the USURPER'S own admission his father Barack Obama Sr. (and truly...we don't know for sure if that is Barry's real father...we have only the lying SOB's word) was a Kenyan citizen at the time of his birth. That my friends, precludes AKA Obama from being constitutionally eligible under Article II Section I of the United States Constitution. That's the law. To be POTUS YOU MUST be born on American soil and have two American citizen parents! Not so with Barry. AKA Obama is not a natural born citizen! That's a FACT. He has even said so himself! In retrospect I am sure he wishes he had conjured up a different story...but he is stuck with it!

Who knows, perhaps Barry Soetoro was actually born in Hawaii of American citizens, but just maybe his real birth certificate shows his father as someone entirely different. How about Malcolm X or Frank Davis Marshall? Or perhaps his birth certificate says that his race is WHITE! We just don't know! Regardless, he later became an Indonesian citizen and that is game, set, match.

Conclusion: The fraud residing in the White House is an illegal alien named Barry Soetoro, undocumented, with a criminal record (can you say?... election fraud, social security fraud, treason, perjury, conspiracy, and forgery for starters) and he is undoubtedly a USURPER of the office of POTUS! What evidence is their to the contrary? I submit there is none. Those are the FACTS!

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