Sunday, April 11, 2010

Dollars To Doughnuts

Prezbo the Usurper was in Czechoslovakia Wednesday, or what now passes for that nation, the Czech Republic/ Slovenia, anywayyyy P t U was there to sign off on an agreement with the Russians to reduce our nuclear stockpiles.

Senator Joe sayitain'tconstitutional Liebermann, came out today against said agreement. As astute Give Us Liberty readers, you know it takes 2/3's that's 67 senate votes to ratify any treaty. This means P t U must convince 9 Republicans to vote for the treaty. That isn't going to happen.

Let me give this to you from two perspectives

From the Republicans perspective-

A) Obama is crazy B) Even though these folks have their mouths sealed tighter than a salt water clam, knowing full well Obama isn't eligible to hold the office of POTUS. They will in no circumstance vote for any foreign treaty just from the embarrassment factor alone this would bring to America's standing in the world's diplomatic community.

Once Obama is shown to be a fraud ALL documents bearing his signature will be nullified. We can't have that dirty laundry floating around internationally, and the Republican senators know it.

Same with the Israeli/Palestinian negotiations. The US will never be a third party to any agreement with Obama as signatory. We will not allow our friends the Israeli's be duped by any such accord.

Forget about any headway being made with Iran, North Korea, China or any other State. Not even Venezuela is that stupid, they don't want to spin wheels with us as long as P t U squats in the Oval Office like some Acorn vacant house move-in loser.

These nations also realize however they can pretty much do as they please internationally while the tainted one is on the scene.

From the Democrat perspective-

How to save their elective collective hides? Make the Republicans the party of NO. No to disarmament. No to Healthcare. No to Amnesty. No to gun violence. No to Education. No to gay bans. No No No.

Between now and November expect a Bill to raise the minimum wage rate , that's a classic pre-election vote getter for the Democrats. Expect the kitchen sink in liberal legislative no-go items.

We are going to hear it's the Right that poison the environment, that are for corporate greed, and how the old people won't get off the young people's collective backs.

Again astute Give Us Liberty readers will not fall for such trash, but the Democrats are betting dollars to doughnuts, the apathetically uninformed, still outnumber the truth seekers.


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