Friday, April 23, 2010

Earth Day Plus One -Post Partum Blues

Yesterday was Earth Day. I hope you enjoyed your home, drove your vehicle, ate the food you prefer and dressed the way you chose without regard for the Left. We are supposed to exercise moderation in all things, however at the same time you should step back and survey the harvest of your labors. You've work for it, why not give yourself a small pat on the back?

Obama is telling the nation the complete opposite. We should apologize for our bounty. We should apologize for our excess. Should we apologize for our innovativeness,our productivity, and our proclivity to invent. We keep hearing how we are lagging in math and science. Fine, but just which country leads the world in practical inventions? In medical discoveries, in new medicines and treatments. Where did the computer come from? Do our farmers toil in vain or is there a bountiful harvest year after year?

Obama apologizes for America's excesses. We consume too much energy to heat and cool our homes. Just exactly who invented electricity? We did. The rest of the world that is consuming kilowatts, needs to thank us. If they think we use too much of it, perhaps they could get off the grid first, and maybe even invent some other form of energy. Maybe THEY should go back to the water wheel.

Our super power status, not just our military super power status, was come by honestly.We have not impoverished other nations to get here. It's by the toil of our hands and the creativity our minds that has set us apart from the world.

Why has it always been the world wants to emulate American life? They try to copy it but there is only one original. We have that spark. What's it called? Freedom. Free men able to live and work in a free society, combined with the desire to succeed, and not be held to a class status. In the Bible we learn the Lord helps he who helps himself.

If the Dark Continent wants to have what we have, they need to work for it. The inhabitants of that land have been around for thousands of years, why have they not progressed further? Perhaps it is the religion they follow or form of government. For what ever reason, we should not be asked to give up our level of civilized living because the rest of the world can not keep up. Why should we regress, let them catch up. Who knows we might just invent another type of fuel from water and make oil worthless other than to make plastic, maybe call this new power source for autos and the like "hydrogen power". Make a fuel cell to carry the stuff around in or something. I guess non-America will want to use that as well.

Next time you hear Obama or the Left mouth off on this topic. "How America consumes and consumes etc", remind yourself, we also produce and produce. Besides one of the other areas of production we lead the world in is Charitable Giving.


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