Tuesday, April 13, 2010

A letter to talk show host Roger Hedgecock...


Yesterday, April 12, 2010, 10 minutes into the 3rd hour of your broadcast, you said: “I’m not a ‘Birther’ but … Barack Obama is an American citizen*, born of a U.S. woman citizen …”

You then talked about a member of the Kenyan Parliament making a statement to the effect: .”,,, how could a young man born here in Kenya, who is not even a native American, become the President of America?”

Ladies and gentlemen, Article II of our Constitution reads that No Person except a natural born Citizen, … shall be eligible to the Office of President; …

I immediately called in to try to get you to discuss this a little further, but your screener told me that you had expressed yourself clearly, and would not discuss it any further today. However, I am confused as to where you stand on this matter.

I recently posted an article entitled “Barack Hussein Obama: Make ‘Em An Offer ‘Dey Can’t Refuse”:


wherein I discussed the fact that no-one in Congress, the Judiciary, and even the media was willing to even mention the words ‘Natural Born’ as a requirement to be President. They just all ignore it and say he’s a ‘Citizen’, and if you’re a ‘Birther’ you must be crazy to even be concerned about those words (Natural Born).

Therefore, I’m asking you to clarify for me and your millions of listeners:

1. Why do you say you’re “not a ‘Birther’”, when you obviously know that those who are asking the most basic question of ‘where is Obama’s proof of his origins, are just trying to satisfy the Constitutional requirements to be our President and CINC?’ Most of us contend that anyone who does not want to uphold ALL the terms of our Constitution are violating the very concept of us being a Constitutional Republic, and that the Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land.

2. Why were you concerned that a member of the Kenyan Parliament would make the statement: .”,,, how could a young man born here in Kenya, who is not even a native American, become the President of America?”

3. Are you willing to repeat again, on air (before millions of patriotic American listeners), the exact terms of Article II of our Constitution regarding the ‘Natural Born’ requirements to be POTUS and CINC, and to take calls to discuss this matter publicly on air? (I would venture that your listenership will increase 5-fold immediately).

The entire nation is anxiously awaiting someone of your stature and patriotism to do this [Rush won’t, Hannity won’t, Beck won’t … somebody must have made them an offer they couldn’t refuse], or are we all so brain-dead that we will continue to follow blindly into hell someone we know nothing about – except that he is obviously INELIGIBLE for the Office of POTUS and CINC!?!?

I, and millions of patriotic Americans, anxiously await your response to these questions.

Neil B. Turner
Citizens for the Constitution


Carlsbad, CA

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