Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Steve Cooper speaks...

Not reporting the eligibility issue is bad enough, but working for the enemy to undermine it is treason. "You communist morons that call yourselves liberals and progressives are a disgrace to this country. You can hide behind any label that you wish to, we all know that you are the enemy within and domestic insurgents." -Steve Cooper

'Notice health care is still the main topic? It is a good distraction for the sheeple, they want you talking about anything rather than Obama's ineligibility issue or amnesty for 30 million illegal aliens' -Steve Cooper

'Al Qaeda never attacks Russia BECAUSE THEY WORK FOR THEM. Another fact that you will never find on Beck's blackboard' -Steve Cooper

'I wish these communists would shut the donuthole in their FACES' - Steve Cooper

I don't agree that the Cold War is back. It has never ended. -- Andrei Lugovoi, Deputy, Russian Federation State Duma, Liberal Democratic Party of Russia; suspected by British authorities of murdering FSB agent Alexander Litvinenko quoteded by Los Angeles Times,January 27, 2008

"Fox has not reported about the Lt Col that questioned Obama's eligibility. What are they so afraid of? THE TRUTH" -Steve Cooper

Google Terrence Lakin under news and you only get ONE response? Anyone that says the eligibility issue, is a non-issue is a traitor, plain and simple. -Steve Cooper

"We the people, are calling for Glenn Beck and others in the media such as Bill O' Reilly and Chris Matthews to testify under oath about this issue to determine if there is a criminal conspiracy to defraud the public and cover up multiple felonies alleged against the President."-Steve Cooper

"Stop crying on the Constitution Glenn Beck if you lack the balls to speak about the greatest violation against it. Obama's ineligibility issue" -Steve Cooper

"Fox News talks about jobs and health care, but they ignore the story about the Lt Col. questioning Obama's eligibility? This is why I despise brainwashed Beck robots that say this is a non-issue. Who's side are you really on?" -Steve Cooper

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1 comment:

  1. The Communists in the USSR knew of Barack Hussein Obama AKA Barry Soetoro long before the common American people did. They built him! They trained him and now they pull his strings. Watch! They are on the verge of cutting those strings because their puppet in now spoiled. The winds of truth and the hammers of justice will soon blow away the evil smoke and destroy the dirty mirrors of deception. There's a New America coming and it has nothing to do with any New World Order.


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