Tuesday, April 20, 2010

To Anon

Thank you for your comment. It is a debate we have here on the blog between ourselves. Without actually posting your note to the article, I am unsure as to which one your comment is directed, but I will answer as best I can.

You probably have the same problem I have with Michelle Bachmann, she hasn't spoken out against Obama. Neither has Palin, or Ryan or Pence or any of them. But I will support these I've named, because they beat the alternative, that is unless revolution is temporarily off the table and we are trying to settle this in the voting booth.

"Starve the Beast. If it means every seat is filled with a democrat......."

I'm not so sure you actually mean that. Let me put it to you in these terms. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Unless you have a viable third party ready to roll today, right now, starving the beast is only going to ensure a Democrat victory. We don't have that 3rd party in place, not yet. maybe not for the 2012 election, but we certainly aren't ready for 2010's. Less than 6 months from now.

The primary season is where we can take our shot. After that we have to suck it up and support the NON Democrat.

In the Texas Republican primary for Govenor, between Perry, Hutchinson and Medina,- Medina had the least chance of winning, BUT she was the eligibility candidate. I voted for Medina. Perry won and now will face White (d) in November.

You bet I'll vote for Perry. If he needs it I'll send him some money. The alternative is another Obama lackey, pushing his agenda, especially Amnesty. Starving this beast isn't the answer not yet.

We have to use the Republicans to oust the Democrats. Then if these Republicans don't move back Right of Center. Then We take them on as a third party. Can we do this as early as 2012?
I hope so, BUT what if Obama manages to run, should the Independents and Republicans be cutting each others throats, while a Democrat backed Obama walks across the finish line for a second term?

Think about it. We are in a hellava precarious position here.

I value the patriotic readers, I try not to denigrate any, we must debate these issues and arrive at a solution. Most of all we must stick together. We are brothers/sisters in this fight for our lives, together let us each have the other's back. Tearing each other down will only help the Left.

FYI, my co-blogger is always accusing me of being too quick to run to my gun cabinet. Back in June when we first discussed starting this blog, i asked the question, "Where do you see all of this going?" The answer my more conservative friend said "Civil War". I agreed. " I felt if we nipped this in the bud early, there would be less bloodshed, the longer this drags on the bloodier it is going to be to fix". We started this blog with the aim of averting if possible the coming catyclism, by educating the uninformed and converting the opposition. Now it seems more evident we have a traitorous element in the nation that must be removed, even Post-Obama. I'm for peaceful deportation of these miscreants, but if we have to blast them out so be it.

We hot heads have let the cooler heads prevail for now. but this is where we find ourselves.


Anon Said

Please don't send a penny to him.

If a candidate will not put eligibility on the table and educate the public what is going on. Then a usurper and his puppet masters get away with it. Keyes says this is the goal: "The Constitution Doesn't Matter". In fact the constitution hasn't really mattered or been trampled on since the federal soldiers escorted part of a southern state block out of congress in order to illegally pass the 14th amendment. However, THE PEOPLE MUST STAND AGAINST A USURPER BE THEY WHATEVER RACE, CREED, OR RELIGION. Do you realize what could happen if puppet masters OWN a sitting u.s. president?? The president only has to answer to puppet masters. That is a many trillion dollar question. IT'S HUGE! Why are the people denied their rightful answers? Congress, the military, judicial, supreme court, senate, main stream media avoid the issue as if it were a plague....what is going on? There is a mountain of evidence against the usurper, even in spectacular revelations kenyan parliment members - maybe they didn't get their blackmail payments soon enough - say he was born in kenya!! Still, no one will answer the call of the people....JUST SHOW PROOF. Why?

The fact of the matter is, no matter how many people in press, public, or political candidates try to sluff this issue off, the eligibility issue is HUGE and the consequences VAST.

The answer as everyone knows is trivial...show the vital records.

People, we have to dig our heels in here. The new world order will not cross this line.

Do not feed the beast. If it means every seat is filled by a democrat. The republican party must respond to their constituents demands. If they won't answer to the eligibility call, then what will they answer to? Corporate bribes and political corruption? Will the tea party take the burden on? If not, unless we starve the beast nothing will happen. Even Give Us Liberty blog is pushing candidates that trivialize eligibility question! What is going on??? Jesus, people like Orly Taitz and Lt. Col. Lakin must have superhero moral courage to take this issue on their backs.

There is something wrong here. barry soetoro sponsers declaration that john mccain is a natural born citizen? No one even QUESTIONS barry soetoro? How do they even know what his name really is? what documents? Hawaii obviously covering up, obfuscating. Democratic party candidate certification with words "constitutionally eligible. What is going on??? WHY????

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