Sunday, April 18, 2010

What is a “Birther”?

The Post & Email

by Constitutional Patriot

Portrait of Benjamin Franklin by Jean Baptiste Greuze(Apr. 18, 2010) — Has anyone else noticed that Supreme Court Associate Justice Clarence Thomas, in his exchange with Rep. Jose Serrano last week, did not label the “eligibility issue” the “ineligibility issue” with the “birther” label?

However, “birther” has been redefined by comments made by a reader of The Post & Email.

“Birther” Re-Defined:

A patriot who holds dear every word of the Contract between the People and the Government that is the envy of the world and whose ratification heralded the “BIRTH” of this great nation, The Constitution of the United States of America. — From a commenter/reader of The Post & Email

When we view the Constitution of the United States of America as that Contract between the People and the Government instead of just a “living document” which should be changed at the whims of current events, which is a view held by many in this great Country, our view of that document changes to a jealousy for the Rights and Liberties which the Founders of this Country enshrined in that Contract between the People and the Government.

When we possess that jealousy for the Constitution, even the least appearance of an encroachment on those invaluable Privileges should make our blood boil exceedingly.

Just as such encroachments on those invaluable Privileges would have made Benjamin Franklin’s blood boil exceedingly, because those were his exact words, taken from his Silence Dogood Letter #2, which was published in The New-England Courant on 16 April 1722:

I am naturally very jealous for the Rights and Liberties of my Country; and the least appearance of an Incroachment on those invaluable Priviledges, is apt to make my Blood boil exceedingly. — Silence Dogood, Silence Dogood Letter #2, 16 Apr 1722

so should they with us today.

If you were buying a house and in the contract, the seller agreed to include options or fix problems before you moved in and you signed the contract, only to discover that the seller reneged on including those options or fixing problems with the house, what would you do?

Are you just going to ignore that, or fight for your rights to obtain a remedy for those breaches in the contract?

It was agreed upon in the Constitution of the United States of America, Contract between the People and the Government, at Article 2, Section 1, Clause 5, that one of the qualifications for the office of President would be:

No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President.

Since no one today can claim that he was a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of the Constitution, the following portion of that qualification for the office of President remains relevant and in effect today:

No person except a natural born Citizen … shall be eligible to the Office of President.

Are we going to continue to ignore the increasing evidence, the weight of which tends to support that this qualification for the office of President, which was agreed upon in that Contract between the People and the Government, The Constitution of the United States of America, was ignored, disregarded and encroached upon by those who committed fraud so that Obama could illegally and unconstitutionally attain the office of President of the United States of America?

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