Friday, September 3, 2010

Does Obama Embarrass You?

Floyd Brown,

This billboard “Vote Obama? Embarrassed Yet?” is causing lots of controversy in the Ozarks, as this local news broadcast documents.

But I think we should ask this question of every voter. I am embarrassed that he is president. His presidency has exposed weaknesses in our form of government. He hasn’t proved yet he is eligible to be president. How did the rules break down? Why is there no recourse to justice?

Everytime he speaks for America, he speaks for all of us. I am embarrassed by his words and his deeds. His apologies sicken me. His attacks on tradition confound me.

Michelle Obama said his nomination was the first time she was proud of her country. I have to admit, Obama’s election is the first time I have been profoundly ashamed of my country. What do you think?

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