Sunday, September 19, 2010

Doesn't Count!...He's not a Christian...He's a Muslim!...More Obama FRAUD!...


Yesterday, Mike Huckabee was quoted saying that President Obama could quell rumors about his faith by "leading the example of attending worship," and mentioned that Obama once talked of finding a home church in Washington.

"I hope he's still mapping that out," he said.

Today, Obama crossed the street to St. John's for his first services since Easter, and whether a reaction to Huckabee or not, it's a reminder of a central inconvenience in his image that's occasionally surfaced.

As Halperin and Heilemann wrote in "Game Change," Obama had a very good answer to the Jeremiah Wright controversy that he couldn't use: He hadn't heard much of Wright's anti-Americanism because he doesn't go to church often.

But his Christian faith was a key part of his pitch and distinguished him from more secular Democrats, and the notion that he only went to church very occasionally -- which has been true since anyone started paying attention to him -- would have undercut that. He is, on the other hand, reluctant to ostentatiously fake a devotion to organized religion that he's never had before.

It's a difficult political situation because the contradiction isn't resolved, or really soluble.
- Ben Smith POLITICO

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