Sunday, September 19, 2010

One Trick Pony, I Think Not

The Tea Party is trying to be marginalized by the mongrel Left as an one issue, one dimensional movement. Smaller government. How wrong they are about this movement. Pick an issue, secure borders, national security, a new taxation method, terrorism, foreign trade, foreign policy, illegal immigration, education, health care, energy, the environment, to name but a few, you on the Left want to discuss, let's discuss.

One of the biggest mistakes, a flaw that is genetically inherent in the DNA of the arrogant, is they without fail, underestimate their opposition. I'm not giving anything top secret away to the Left here by disclosing this information. Even forewarned Obama and his minions will fail to become forearmed, because arrogance is their nature. What is the definition of insanity, "To repeat the same action over and over, expecting a different result." Obama believes he can will away that which is undesirable to him. By giving enough speeches, making enough visits, having enough photo opportunities, Obama actually believes he can turn the people back to his ways. It is only the diehard fanatics whom he reaches now, they will always be with him or some other cult leader like him, once he passes from the scene.

Let them marginalize, and denigrate, because they have become wild asses braying in the desert. Their noise is disturbing to no one but themselves. Their panicked rhetoric terrorizes no heart but their own.

The Tea Party has hung it's hat on God's natural law as stated in the Preamble " We Hold These Truths To Be Self Evident...." It has placed it's feet upon the rock, which St Peter placed for HIS followers. We have a system of laws, values, morals and beliefs that are irrefutable, let those who would come against us learn it would be an easier thing instead to try to shake the universe.


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