Saturday, December 18, 2010

A Bitter Pill to Swallow


by Harry Wilmott

Photo from the home page of the John Birch Society, founded by Robert W. Welch in 1958, who died in 1985.
(Dec. 18, 2010) — Last week, the website posted a nine-minute Robert Welch video that is really powerful and chilling because it reveals things predicted in 1958 that now make sense. When I first learned of the John Birch Society it was portrayed to us nitwits by our media and our wonderful government as a ”bad” organization. They were “radicals” and making the populace uneasy. They were characterized as wealthy conservatives who were trying to gain control of the USA so that their ilk would get everything and we ordinary citizens were going to get the short end of the stick. So, even then, these progressives were at work to channel our minds with untruths – and it has all worked so well. The story they tell about others is actually what they are doing themselves. Typical Nazi propaganda and it’s working for them. As farseeing as Welch was, he didn’t foresee the one weapon that would be the complete downfall of his 15-year plan:  the unbridled illegal influx which we now know to be supported by our government. Welch viewed Americans as law-abiding, decent people who would do what was right. How could he know that the population would very quickly become anti-American!
The sudden change of strategy by the Lakin defense team is intriguing. It was just a few weeks ago that we were all buoyed up with the news that he was going to get the services of a lawyer skilled in military courts martial.  My take now is that he was made an offer (sinister or not) that he couldn’t refuse. Once again, we have a story which a lot of people will swallow.
On our walk this morning, my wife and I were talking to a very likable neighbor who “expressed her dismay and sympathy for Obama” because he is being prevented from being able to overcome all of the terrible conditions he was faced with which were created by the previous government.
I also read a letter-to-the editor today where a woman was urging everyone to see a new movie called “Inside Job,” which reveals who caused the economic crisis and all that it has wrought. The movie was directed by Charles Ferguson and narrated by Matt Damon. (Wikipedia will enlighten you.) He also made “No End in Sight” about the Iraq war. Both of these movies are prize winners at Cannes and much-loved by the progressives.
Which leads me to this. We are all wasting our time with our attempts to educate the citizenry to rise up in a just cause. There isn’t enough time to defeat this world order by legal or political means. America is fast being destroyed and the citizenry is still blind to what is going on. The extension of the unemployment benefits as a political compromise is another planned tool to gain time while their real agenda is moving inexorably forward to its ultimate goal of dictatorship – and to keep the 14 million unemployed quiet for another 20 months. There was no reason for the Republicans to compromise about anything…but they did. If they are truly dedicated to the philosophy of constitutional support, they only had to wait until they assumed majority. The plain truth is that they are not. They are progressives and in partnership with the Democrats. All of these upheavals and crises are plots, masterfully crafted to keep us unaware of the almost unbelievable reality that we are soon going to be serfs with absolutely no control of our lives – and off-balance so that we cannot amalgamate and overcome the threat.
Obama has evidenced absolutely no anxiety at the current state of affairs. I’m convinced that the progressives were totally prepared for what was going to occur in America as they implemented their strategy. I’m further convinced that Americans have no allies internationally or domestically. We have no leader or even the semblance of an organization of patriots. The government, the media, and the courts are firmly anti-constitutional. They are determined to create a world order – a controlled society. Individual rights will not be allowed. It couldn’t happen in America with our safeguards – but it did, because the safeguards work only if the tools of our independence are in the hands of honest men.
They’re not!
Please view the Robert Welch video BELOW. Nine minutes of your lives  – which may save your life!

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