Friday, December 10, 2010


9 Dec
[ED. NOTE: Today I sent the following request to the Editor at]
“Dear Editor:
Please issue a correction to this story:
[Born in the U.S.A., August 21, 2008, Updated: November 1, 2008]
A record acquired last Friday, through Hawaii’s Open Records Law, the Uniform Information Practices Act (UIPA), contradicts the following claim made by
“Recently FactCheck representatives got a chance to spend some time with the birth certificate, and we can attest to the fact that it is real and three-dimensional and resides at the Obama headquarters in Chicago. We can assure readers that the certificate does bear a raised seal, and that it’s stamped on the back by Hawaii state registrar Alvin T. Onaka (who uses a signature stamp rather than signing individual birth certificates). We even brought home a few photographs.”
However, President Obama’s Certification of Live Birth does not bear the embossment of a ‘raised seal.’ And your photographs clearly dispute what is written.
You go on to present an image of the front of President Obama’s COLB which shows the reversed side of an ‘incised seal.’ The direction of the fold and reverse lettering indicate the raised surface we are looking at is the back/reverse of the ‘incised seal’s’ emblem and lettering.
Yet, you caption the following photo with, the claim, “The raised seal:”

The definition of ‘seal’:
seal 1 n.
1. a. A die or signet having a raised OR incised emblem used to stamp an impression on a receptive substance such as wax or lead.
There is a difference.
On the back of President Obama’s COLB we see the emblem for the Hawaii Department of Health seal. That emblem is CLEARLY incised.
Clearly, there is no ‘raised emblem,’ nor ‘raised text,’ so there is no ‘raised seal.’

More importantly, the HDOH rules describe the emblem found on the official state seal as having ‘two stars,’ and the Hawaii Public Health Statistics regulations expressly state that both Standard and Abbreviated copies of birth certificates “shall” be certified with a ‘raised seal.’ These Rules and Regulations have the full force and effect of Law according to Hawaii Revised Statute §321-10.
And lastly, the image of the HDOH official department seal impression disclosed to me personally, through Open Records Law, and expressly described as being an image of the official seal’s “embossment” shows a different emblem and a ‘raised emblem.’
This is what the Hawaii Department of Health says is an image of the official seal’s raised embossment:

You may download the exact pdf file provided to me by the HDOH here:
In the face of these facts and your obvious error, the only ethical thing for to do is to print a retraction of the claim that they verified President Obama’s ‘Certification Of Live Birth’ bears a raised seal.
If you continue to insist that the HDOH issues certified copies of birth certificates by applying an ‘incised seal,’ you are suggesting that the Hawaii Department of Health is [operating] in violation of Hawaii Revised Statute §321-10.
Thank you,
‘MissTickly’ (aka Terri K)
[ED. NOTE: Wonder if they are going to pitch their last shred of credibility out the window or not....]

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