Friday, December 17, 2010


Friday, December 17, 2010

Keyes Update - Obama Ineligibility Cover Up Destroys Military Doctor

Keyes Update -
 Obama Ineligibility Cover Up Destroys Military Doctor

Lakin Legal Hands Tied and Denied Right to Pursue Defense

Obama's cover up of his Constitutional Ineligibility to be president has reached a new low as Obama has now destroyed the Military Career of Col. Terry Lakin a true man of honor, a medical doctor, a patriot and a heroic martyr to the cause of ordered liberty. Lakin was sentenced today to six months in a military prison. He also will be dismissed from the military, and will forfeit a nearly $90,000 annual salary and a pension of his unblemished and decorated 18 year military career.

LTC Lakin's entire trial has been rigged to ensure the truth of Obama's deception is never revealed. Justice has been repeatedly denied and due process squelched in the name of dirty, extremist politics. LTC Lakin's only hope is a massive public outcry where Americans demand justice... not only for the Lakin family, but for the sovereignty of our country and the integrity of our Constitution.

Lakin, who refused to deploy to Afghanistan because he challenged Obama's undocumented and unconfirmed eligibility for office has been forced by Obama's government henchmen -- including Lakin's ethically-compromised and politically-motivated military superiors -- to plead guilty to refusing orders.

"I was praying and soul searching," Lakin told the court. "I believed there was a question that needs to be answered to ensure a valid chain of command. But I had asked every question, done everything else I could short of disobeying orders, without success."

We will continue to support Col. Lakin and his family; he needs it now more than ever. We must press for the New 112th Congress -- self-proclaimed as rededicated to American Constitutionalism -- to open an IMMEDIATE investigation into this shameful miscarriage of justice, and at the least restore Col. Lakin's right to defend himself and his right to evidentiary discovery, which were blatantly denied him in this case.

Obama will be home for Christmas, sheltered and secure in the the White House because dedicated military professionals and brave war heroes like Col. Terry Lakin have spent their lives in harms' way defending us as they serve and stand guard over America. Obama: you have dishonored all who serve and are a disgrace to the office of president and an abomination to the Constitution.

Declaration Alliance needs your help to save LTC Terry Lakin & the Constitution!
Select Here To Blast Congress and Obama, Donate and HELP Terry Now!

The convictions were inevitable after Lakin was denied the right to discovery, and the "hanging judge" who assigned this case forbade the defense from producing any evidence or experts who might persuade the court martial panel, a jury of Army officers, that Lakin's deliberate disobedience of orders was justifiable.

The fix was in from the outset; Lakin's hands were tied by every earlier ruling effectively forbidding what might be any authentic or effective line of defense, specifically the argument that any order originating with Obama might in fact be illegal as long as Obama's eligibility remains unproven.The Obama cover-up is in full swing, and unless you help him today, a brave patriot, and yes quite possibly our entire way of life will be railroaded by the anti-freedom forces presently cementing their control over every aspect of our lives.

On Tuesday, Dec. 14, the court martial of Lt. Col. Terry Lakin began and this brave man was convicted on all counts and now will be incarcerated for his conscientious fealty to the Constitution. This fine officer was prosecuted for his efforts to assure that orders currently issuing from the U.S. military chain of command flow from a constitutionally qualified, and therefore lawful, commander in chief.

There was a time when responsible military authorities fully understood that soldiers had the right to reasonable assurance that their orders came from a valid source, and that officers had the duty to confirm this when there was reasonable doubt. During the Battle of the Bulge, for example, English-speaking German soldiers dressed in American uniforms had infiltrated American forces. Their activities gave rise to disquieting rumors and confusion in the ranks. In immediate response, checkpoints were set up all over the Allied rear, and military policemen drilled servicemen on things which every true American soldier was expected to know, such as the identity of Mickey Mouse's girlfriend, baseball scores, or the capital of a U.S. state.

Today, American troops are every day risking and laying down their lives in battle just as they did in World War II. But rather than acting responsibly and effectively to protect the integrity of the chain of command, current military hierarchs seem ruthlessly determined to intimidate anyone who seeks reassurance against the now widespread question concerning the constitutional identity of the person who presently occupies the office of commander in chief. Lt. Col. Lakin is saying, simply, "I don't know that Barack Obama is the person the Constitution says he must be. The Constitution is the supreme law of the land. Therefore, I cannot know that in obeying his orders I am defending the Constitution, as I am sworn to do."

Declaration Alliance needs your help to save LTC Terry Lakin & the Constitution!
Select Here To Donate and HELP Terry Now!

LTC Lakin faced the politically driven court martial and smear job against him, designed not to seek justice, but to protect the Imposter in Chief. Terry Lakin has been denied all avenues of proper defense, and now convicted in this show trial of doing his duty, LTC Lakin will be sent directly to the military prison at Ft. Leavenworth or some other military jail for his loyalty to his duty, and heaven alone knows when his young children may ever know another Christmas with Daddy.

The slavish Obama media lapdogs have stifled this story in an effort to further protect the usurper now sitting in the oval office. Legal case after legal case challenging Obama has been suppressed and dismissed on procedural grounds -- never on the merits. None of Obama's records are public. The American people now need to know how this brave Army officer has risked everything; his career, his liberty and his family to protect our ordered liberty and uphold the Constitution. The public needs to know the truth about Obama's birth certificate! WE WILL NOT LEAVE TERRY LAKIN TO THIS UNJUST SENTENCE!!

Declaration Alliance needs your help to save LTC Terry Lakin & the Constitution!
Select Here To Blast Congressmen and Obama, Donate and HELP Terry Now!
So today I need a sacrificial gift from you to enable Declaration Alliance to fearlessly sound the clarion call and rally the American people to LTC Lakin's side as we battle to press for the New Congress to open an investigation and restore Col. Lakin's right to defend himself . Without the Constitution, we are not America, and all our institutions of freedom and law are imperiled.

We must quickly mobilize public opinion against this travesty. We can gain LTC Lakin the support he deserves by waking up Congress, producing a public relations campaign and national outcry that reaches millions of your fellow citizens with this critical information. We may bring more legal action ourselves. All of these efforts will be expensive. But I know you will agree, FREEDOM IS WORTH THE COST!

A gift of $125 or perhaps even $250 or $500 will help deliver the truth to households all across America. The fact is, unless we get out word about LTC Lakin's plight, an honorable and heroic military man, standing in the gap for you and me in the cause of liberty will be publicly defamed by his own politically-compromised chain of command, and the Constitution trampled.

I know you cherish freedom as much as I do, so please help us fight back TODAY!.

Keep Faith,

Ambassador Alan Keyes

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