Monday, October 3, 2011

Daryn Moran Requests Meeting with Obama


October 3, 2011,

The U.S. Constitution requires that the President and Commander-in-Chief be a "natural born Citizen"
Proverbs 14:34, “Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.”
The sitting President of the United States, whom many Americans conclude evidentially is illegal and ineligible and a usurper, has shown no interest in the fear of God or leading our nation righteously.  The reproach felt is burdensome to those with a fear of God and a desire to be irreproachable before HIM.
In this light, I came to Washington DC saying I would personally arrest B. Obama for the crime of forgery of his birth certificate.  The Secret Service says I cannot and will get nowhere near him.
Let me re-address this situation.  I request to meet the President to discuss the concerns of millions of Americans and my personally held belief that he is accountable to both the Constitution and lower laws, such as those outlawing fraud and forgery.  I sympathize with those Americans who believe in Obama’s ineligibility due to his father not being a citizen, and I consent that this is against the Constitution of the United States of America.
Alas, lawmen and politicians appear weak, cowardly, and uninspired to fulfill their oaths, hear the people, or seek Providence against this national reproach.  This reproach amounts to a re-defining of the Constitution, a removal of the true America for something foreign, and is being done for the sake of Anti-American ideologies, politics and religion.
I stand here in DC, in the face of investigation of Secret Service, with John Wilson seeking audience with elected officials to correct the wrongful precedent set in this country that dictatorship and tyranny should come in the name of good words, but in the action of despair to American citizens.
Those who forged for the President, thus harming him by associating him with the crime, and those who aid and abet Obama to continue his ‘reign’, should also be held accountable.
But leadership matters.  Thus, my efforts now and forever of accountability by Obama to myself and millions of Americans and the Constitution.  However, he may seek us, repair a bit the case, if he will truthfully seek us out.
Will he?  Will Congress and the Supreme Court and the media acknowledge this domestic conflict?
I seek to exalt our nation before our God in righteousness.  Join me in opposing and seeking trial of any person who persist in wrong-doing after being duly notified.  Starting with Obama.
I did not personally arrest him, and so be it.  Who will?  Who will investigate?  Who will realize the evidence already exists?  Who will seek those who have done wrong in forging a document with his name on it?   Which judge will immediately try him in court?
Many questions.   Few answers.  Now we live in reproach before God and the world.  Let us choose the execution of our laws and the accountability of every citizen under them.  No more lies.
B. Obama must be uncomfortable.   His ‘friends’ and his ‘side’ seem so strong and powerful.  But, now, those of us real Americans see the tide is rising in our favor.
That’s why he is as a man on the run from the law.  Constantly, having to excuse his words and deeds, and hide all of his records.
No longer.  Some lawman hear both me and all of this country who indeed want an arrest of Obama and to see him brought to a trial.
I propose the offer to him, due to the precarious nature of the circumstances he finds himself in against the American people to consider God’s grace and righteousness.  Can Obama participate in exalting our nation again before God and Americans?  Only if he repairs the crime of forgery and reverses a long list of grievances.
I, personally, have seen evidence of a certain strength in B. Obama to continue and press on in the face of opposition.   For this, I respect him.  If he shall turn his virtue of patience to that which is pleasing to God, I shall consider such facts and make statements publicly regarding leniency to him.
I am very vocal in my opposition to him.  Americans, do not fail to remember that I’m opposed to him leading and guiding us into reproach before God and willfully continuing criminal actions, lying and usurping the office.
However, if this man, B. Obama, seeks to repair himself honestly before God, I myself, and any other reasonable man or woman should consider God’s hand and miracle and victory and act accordingly.  What mercies and grace God has given me and you?  So shall God do with Obama if he follows God.
And, so shall we seek something good with Obama at that time, but not until.

The Gutenberg Bible ushered in the era of the printed book and was published by Johannes Gutenberg in 1450
Yes, I failed to arrest him.  But, the point is made.  I will remain in DC to fight Obama publicly as long as God enables or until Obama reasonably allows me to not have a need to seek justice about him.
Who will see that I have been personally challenged here by the Secret Service?  That many things are left wanting.  I seek the man who holds the highest elected position in this country, so that these words may be read by him and considered.
But, though he has quoted the ‘holy koran’ in the past, I believe the God of Scripture may yet reach his heart, as God reached any of us.  God is all-powerful and Sovereign.  To God be the glory in this life.
I will die for my country or for my God if attacked beyond my ability to resist.  I don’t need to resist arrest as that is not life-threatening.  We must all fear God and not men.  This includes B. Obama.
The domestic conflict continues.  I will not fight in a patriotic fashion without mentioning my God, the God of Scripture who, though Great and Mightier than all His enemies, offers peace in obedience to Him.
Daryn J. Moran

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