Saturday, October 15, 2011

A "Thank You" Letter to Dr. Orly Taitz, Sheriff Joe Arpaio and the others who have been Fighting a Courageous Uphill Battle since 2007 for the USSC to Enforce Constitutional Compliance.
BY Al Thompson / ThompsonY3K,

TO:  Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq.- Licensed Attorney (J.S.) and Licensed Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) - Rancho Santa Margarita, CA.
An American Patriot and a Champion Promoter for the Return of Relevance to the Constitution of the United States of America

FROM: Al Thompson, R.E.A., C.E.I.- Innovative Entrepreneur,
Small Business Owner, Manufacturer (on American soil), Environmental Consultant, Proud American-Conservative (Torrance, CA USA) -
Greetings Dr Taitz --  It is a pleasure to speak with you again. There are many conservatives living in the EU have witnessed (first hand) the changes a country goes though when a silver-tongued socialist or dictatorial figurehead and their absolute-power form of government  strong-arms their way into power through a chain of corruption that is supported by a barrage of Utopian-like propaganda that, in the end, may be nothing like what was promised in the campaign, but designed for his/her's ultimate success. This is similar to a bloodless coup.

Once in office, those who loyally assisted in his/her successful rise to power are then rewarded with a lucrative "Thank You" in the form of an appointment to a high position within the new Administration. If there are not enough government positions available, the new leader will then create a position of limited power like a Czar, that could oversee an entire department within the government - whether the loyal subordinate has experience or not in the position (sound familiar?).

Dr. Taitz, you will be pleased to learn that many Europeans and people living in other regions around the world are aware of your gallant efforts to bring certain Articles of United States Constitution to the "table of compliance" which addresses not only Obama's eligibility (or ineligibility), but also his explanation of why he is alleged to have been using a fraudulent CT social security number when, in fact, Mr. Obama has never lived in Connecticut.

In addition there are a growing number of questionable transactions including what has become a "Solargate", of sorts in which hujnfreds of millions of taxpayer dollars was handed out to at least two solar technology companies that Mr.Obama had quietly authorized. "Solorgate" may also be connected to a relative of a prominent democrat that could be a conflict of interest and prove costly for Mr. Obama and the American people.

I have noticed a recent increase in the number of "conservative Europeans' who sympathize and support attorney Dr. Orly Taitz's uphill legal battles and the majority of Americans who are also fighting for America to "stay American" and keep their American way of life in tact. They (we) want to prevent the USA from having to endure the radical social and political fates that other countries have met.

Those foreign-born "patriots of conservative government", even though they live in the EU, are starting to speak-out on our behalf the United States (we Americans) because they, too, see the disturbing similarities in the sequence of events that has happened during the process of change their own country went through. They fear they are witnessing a similar scenario in the direction that Mr. Obama is attempting to take the USA.

In my opinion, I think the growing number of people living in the EU who are pro-American are worried that if the United States were to keep on their current path and fall into a socialist form of government, America's defenses will certainly erode by design and the desire to protect and keep those smaller and more politically vulnerable democratic nations will diminish as well, leaving smaller democracies even more vulnerable to unwanted political and in some cases military aggression by others -but this time with no "Big Brother" USA to come to their rescue.

They do NOT want to see America, the greatest and most generous country in the history of the planet, to have to endure the same suppressive changes and challenges they went through in their own country. Dr. Taitz knows this first hane, immigrating from a communist country herself and "Americanizing" herself to rise up and become a noted proponent for the return of relevancy of the Constitution and the preservation of "the American way of life".

Thanks to true American patriots like Dr. Orly Taitz, Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio and a few others who have engaged themselves in upholding the Constitution of the United States by challenging Obama's eligibility to be president as well as other legal issues that appear to be part of a pattern of deception in which Mr. Obama has followed to gain enough control to be handed the keys to the White House. Some Europeans and others know the truth about Mr. Obama. Why can't the USSC see it? Or d they see it and are afraid to investigate because of political pressure to "just let it ride" and to not jeopardize their own positions by obligating themselves to further investigate the issues if their first round of discovery proves what Dr. Taitz, myself and others already know to be true.

In my opinion, the USSC and others who have been asked to engage themselves and their resources in this historical investigation fear they may become directly involved in the biggest case of political fraud the United States has ever seen of which could prove costly to them and their careers. On the other hand, they could become heroes for upholding the integrity of the Constitution and the United States.

The following front page of "The Globe" was sent to me today from a close friend and fellow/lady conservative in Germany. She, as well as many of my friends, family and associates have followed your admirably tenacious and bird-dog-like efforts in nailing this squatter who has homesteaded himself and his tight-lipped family in the White House and armed himself with his team of attorneys whom, themselves, MUST know the truth about their employer but fail to act on America's behalf. Obama's lawyers continue to fail America's Constitution and what it stands-for.

Once in awhile the "Globe", "National Inquirer" and a few of the gossip rags get the story right and and develop the gonads to publish the scoop first ("publish" being the key word). In this case, the entire liberal media has known the truth. and thanks to courageous attorneys like Orly Taitz and a true American patriot Arizona Sheriff, the constant coverage and pressure to produce will eventually force the USSC to finally step up to the plate and act on behalf of the people of the USA and the Constitution of the United States.

by Al Thompson / ThompsonY3K,

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