Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The single most shocking fact today is that the U.S. government, under President Obama, is constantly colluding with the enemy. Check out of the facts for yourself. Don't take anybody's word for it. Make your own informed decision. This is a question not of opinion, but of fact.

Obama Is Openly Colluding with the Enemy

We are in the middle of a hot war in the Middle East, with constant terror attacks all over the world, including the United States, Europe, and Asia.  The enemy is called violent Islam, or radical Islam, or fascist Islam, or reactionary Islam, or merely "orthodox Islam."

We constantly waste time quibbling about the name.  But we know the enemy by now.
(And yes, there are plenty of Muslims who want peace, but who are too scared to speak out, with some brave exceptions I mention below.  As long as the West colludes with violent Islam, peaceful Muslims will be too scared to speak out.  As long as we fail to stand for freedom, we will be supporting the worst of the worst, who always terrorize their own populations first.

For fifty years, Muslims did not actively practice jihad against the West – until Jimmy Carter betrayed our ally the shah of Iran, and therefore empowered the first jihad-preaching Islamofascist regime in the world, the mullahcracy of Iran.  Because Carter was the weak horse, millions of Muslims around the world sensed a change in the wind – and that is why jihad is now breaking out all over.)
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