Thursday, February 4, 2010

Bad Time To be A Business Owner

Workers of the world unite.

This was the slogan communism used to spread their call to join the Party in the 1930's.

The Barack Obama Bolshevik Plot continues with the nomination of M. Patricia Smith the former New York State Labor Commissioner, for Obama's Labor Department Solicitor.

Smith is another shill for the Leftist attempt to take over the United States. If you are a non-union business owner expect a visit in the not too distant future by a legion of labor department wage and hour board inspectors. Be ready for questions into every aspect of your business's activity, including your profit margins,bank accounts etc. It will not matter if you have had a complaint filed against you or not. M. Patricia Smith operates in accordance with rules as she interprets them and as she sees fit ,in other words as a pro union negotiator would like them. She will also encourage her under qualified and under trained field inspectors to do likewise if her 30 year NY state track record holds to form.

It's all about the unionization of the labor market. Community organizing run amok. Management-Union work agreements, Labor Mediators, Strikes, Walk Outs, Union dues- grinding the business into the dust while demanding more pay for less work.

On the political front which is really the only true interest, an unchecked Obama has in the unions, every business in every state will see union block voting favoring his political agenda.

The ulitimate goal is controlling the job market.If you aren't a good union monkey you will languish in your job position or have your union card revoked with little prospects of finding another job. Once jobs are undermined, political ideology will follow. Card Check is a step towards identifying the bad monkeys.

Obama wants coalitions. Coalitions of government worker unions. Those that hire will practice blatant prejudicial hiring methods based on party affiliation. If government controlled Obama Care passed, it would add millions of new union memberships. About 1/6 of the labor force and a huge amount of votes. Those who oppose him would find themselves unemployed and slipping into the oblivion of homelessness and poverty. It becomes clearer why ObamaCare is the crown jewel of this interloper's central plan. Ask yourself, for what good reason does the medical industry have for unionization? Would unionization be more likely to raise labor costs or lower them? It's about coerced Votes, not healthcare.

Unionize all other private firms to the hilt and bring these into the Marxist union fold as well. It is by no accident Andy Stern the leader of the SEIU union has been the most frequent visitor to the White House.

Will such a massive shift to "fundamentally change America" happen in the four years ending by 2012. It would be nothing short of head spinningly amazing, but then ask yourself if it could be accomplished in ten years. Suddenly the head spins for a different reason. This is why we have to do all in our power to oppose this, like there is no tomorrow. If we don't there won't be.


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