Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Columbia Trial: Open letter to American Grand Jury members, viewers and followers
February 11th, 2010

The year of our Lord, 2009, was the year the thugs from Chicago descended upon the White House.

The net result for Obama’s symbol of “hope and change” is now “con artist.” Obama is slick, cool and collected when working the teleprompter. When the lights fade, the man is an empty suit.

For those of us that have critically studied Barack Obama before and after the election, we are shocked and furious that such a corrupt man was able to ascend to the Presidency. The fraud and treason perpetuated by Obama on our people is beyond forgiveness. Those of us that know the truth about Obama must never stop doing whatever we can to expose this cancerous evil.


Obama’s Revisionist History of Terrorism
February 11th, 2010
By Daniel Greenfield

Since taking office, Obama’s key objective on terrorism has been to transform the public perception of it from an international military conflict, to a limited domestic criminal problem. Renaming terrorism to the bureaucratically euphonious term, “Man Caused Disasters” was straight out of the first rule in the textbook of organizational coverups, to phrase your sentences so that the identity of the perpetrators of the crisis remain as vague as possible.

Oklahoma firecracker takes on Obama eligibility - Thanks SaraJean
February 11th, 2010

Candidate for Congress: ‘If he claims he was born at Kapi’olani, I want him to show proof’
By Chelsea Schilling
© 2010 WorldNetDaily

NASHVILLE – Just as a tea-party convention crowd gathered to discuss strategy for the movement, one woman stepped forward to the microphone – holding up two Hawaiian long-form birth certificates and a copy of President Obama’s purported short-form certification of live birth – and, referencing the short form, she told the crowd, “This piece of junk is what you get when you don’t have one of these!”

The crowd went wild, clapping and cheering.

When the forum was over, tea partiers scrambled around a table to see and photograph her original documents.


One More Mystery — Third Grade
February 11th, 2010

On February 9th, 2010, I received the following email from “Northeast Elizabeth”:

On your site’s “Education” page, you post a photograph identified as “Barry, 3rd Grade, 1969″ which is identical to this one appearing in the Honolulu Star Bulletin in December, 2009 (in an article revealing that Obama spent at least part of third grade in Hawaii and not solely Jakarta as widely reported). Did you add it to your site after that date, or was it there before? I ask because in the article, Obama’s former classmate Scott Inoue indicates that he didn’t receive the photo back from Obama until November 2009, and I had assumed that Star’s publication of the picture the next month would have been the first appearance of it. However, the page on your site on which it appears indicates copyright, Beckwith, 2008″ at the bottom so I wasn’t sure if it was from back then (and if so, how you would have it if it were a private picture of Inoue’s, unless Inoue got it elsewhere and was playing a trick).

Unfortunately, I have no memory of when I added that photo. However, I checked the properties on that image and it was created on Sunday, October 18, 2009 — so it was clearly before. So, I had it before it was returned to Inoue in November, 2009.


Hillary’s eligibility challenged in Supreme Court
February 10th, 2010

Can political branch evade ‘clear and precise language’ of Constitution?
By Bob Unruh
© 2010 WorldNetDaily

A brief filed with the U.S. Supreme Court by Judicial Watch, which investigates and prosecutes government

corruption, questions whether members of the “political branches of the government” can “evade the clear and precise language of a provision of the Constitution through the use of a legislative ‘fix.’”

The dispute is over former Sen. Hillary Clinton’s eligibility to be secretary of state.

The U.S. Constitution, Article I, section 6, clause 2, provides: “No senator or representative shall, during the time for which he was elected, be appointed to any civil office under the authority of the United States, which shall have been created, or the emoluments whereof shall have been [increased] during such time.” [Read more →]

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