Friday, April 16, 2010

Congressional open letter...

RE: 2010 Census

Members of Congress:

As the purported leader of the executive branch of our government, Barry Soetoro, and his thug enforcer, Emanuel, have illegally usurped the authority to manage the 2010 census, and skew the results for their own political purposes. Until Soetoro can prove unequivocally that he is legitimately eligible to hold the office he was sworn into, and would therefore have legitimate authority to collect data on me and my family, I will refuse to provide the current executive branch of our government any census data. If you want my information, Soetoro, show me yours.

ACORN, an organization under indictment for fraud, has been chosen by our phony executive branch to be involved with the taking of the census. I resent that ANY organization under suspicion of having committed fraud would be involved with the US Census. However, given that the entire executive branch may be fraudulent, I am not at all surprised. Scum attracts more of the same.

Would you give Bernie Madoff all your personal information? If not, why would you give an organization also under fire for fraud the same data?

If convicted of fraud, not only should ACORN be prevented from involvement in the 2010 US Census, but under that name, or any other name that organization might adopt, they should be prevented FOREVER from receiving so much as a single dime of taxpayer funds to support any of their nefarious activities.

Thank you,

Rob Lamb

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