Friday, April 23, 2010

Looking for a few good patriots...Want to help?

We at Give Us Liberty want to expand our following and spread the word to more people!

We also want more interaction when you come to visit. Please take the time to post comments and email your ideas and suggestions. Obots please don't waste your time.

If you truly want to get on board and be a leader of this patriotic movement and help to spread the word about the USURPER, please email your contact information to:

Through our Power of Ten Project we will provide you ideas and direction to help inform more people about the USURPER and how our government is working to shred the Constitution and destroy America. Please help and do your part to take back our country! Instead of video games, television and sports...take some time to do something that involves sacrifice and will help preserve the liberty and freedom for our children.

Also, PLEASE, PLEASE DONATE $5, $10, or $20 to support LTC Terry Lakin who is really laying everything on the line for us. We must expose the USURPER and restore a legitimate government. LTC Lakin is showing tremendous courage toward that end. Please help him.

Go to Safequard Our Constitution and click the DONATE Buttom

After you click on the Donate button you will be taken to PayPal where you can enter any amount you can afford. Please make your maximum tax deductible donation now.

Our nation’s future may depend on

the outcome of this case.

You may also mail donations to:

American Patriot Foundation, Inc.
1101 Thirtieth Street, N.W., Suite 500
Washington, D.C. 20007

Make checks payable to “American Patriot Foundation, Inc.”

Thank you.

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