Tuesday, April 13, 2010


The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants. Thomas Jefferson

The Birthers
Lt. Col. Terry Lakin is facing imminent court-martial charges in the wake of the Army’s demand he report for a Middle East deployment, and his decision to refuse orders until there are answers to questions about President Obama’s eligibility. WND

Lt. Col. Terry Lakin is a patriot, a man willing to join the ranks of those who mutually pledged to each other their Lives, their Fortunes and their sacred Honor. He is about to water that tree Jefferson referred to.

I know from my own experience that once you are in the political crosshairs life in the military can be dangerous. Lt. Col.Lakin is now an “indexed” target in the dreams of the bureaucratic cowards looking to please their political masters.

Yet this needed to be done. Once Lt. Col. Lakin is charged, he will be afforded a defense, which under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) Article 46, Lt. Col. Lakin will have the opportunity to obtain witnesses and other evidence. This is why we called Lt. Col. Lakin’s action a game changer.

What witnesses can he obtain and evidence can he call into the record? Everyone from Grandma Sarah to the custodian of records for any hospital Obama chooses to name, he can demand a full release of Hawaii’s vital records from the time in question (to prove there are not forgeries,) to every application Obama made. In short his witness list and evidence inventory can include every thing that could possibly prove BHOJr is a fraud and an imposter acting as CIC.

In this we hope Lt. Col. Lakin utilizes Article 38, of the UCMJ and seeks expert council, not only for his defense but also to explore the meaning and intent of what is a Natural-Born Citizen as understood by our Founding Fathers and Framers of our Constitution. There is only one attorney who is capable of assisting in Lt. Col. Lakin’s defense. Mario Apuzzo. There is no other attorney out there with the depth of constitutional knowledge on the subject of what is a Natural-Born Citizen than Mario Apuzzo. Not Phil Berg, OrlyTaitz, Leo Donofrio or Gary Kreep are capble of being the co-council on such an important subject.

If Lt. Col. Lakin’s true intent is to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic he will defend the intent of those who penned the words natural-born citizen, and not a modern and artificial definition of a natural-born citizen that would allow a future child of Osama Bin Ladin to be pResident if he was born in the US while Osama was on trial. If anyone knows Lt. Col. Lakin personally please ask him to email Mario Apuzzo at apuzzo@erols.com and ask Mario if he would consider being co-counsel assisting on helping the conveining court martial’s exploration of what is a Natural-Born citizen and who the Frammers intended to be qualified as Comander In Chief ofour armed forces.. I cannot speak for Mario, but I have come to know him as I have come to know the majority of the so-called “Birther” lawyers and the one thing I can absolutely say about Mario that I cannot say about the others is that Mario is not in this for the money, fame or glory Mario is doing this for the love of the Constitution and the Republic it begot.

If Lt. Col. Lakin is a patriot, then just who are the tyrants. In closing they are the ones who have debased the honor of our men and women serving our country in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps,and Coast Guard by having the Congressional Medal of Honor recipient Col. Gordon R. Roberts act as a cop on the beat and issue Lt. Col. Lakin his Miranda warning. Was this the Political Puppets of the Pentagon’s idea of a public relations? Using the Congressional Medal of Honor in the hope of some talking head at the Marxist Statist Media (MSM) saying, “look America a Medal of Honor winner is condemning Lt. Col. ‘Birther’,” is not public relations, it is politically motivated PUBIC relations!

Obama you are a domestic enemy to the Constitutional Republic of the United States of America!


  1. Talk about taking the road less taken. I'm praying for this man... right or wrong he is standing by his beliefs.

  2. A military blog covering Dr. Lakin's case has linked to this article.


  3. " it is politically motivated PUBIC relations!"

    Careful, your Freudian slip is showing.


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