2008 Snopes Article Reports Barack Obama born in Kenya and is not a legitimate U.S. Citizen.
Dr. Ron Polland found an article from the online self proclaimed "fact checkers" SNOPES.com in an April 21, 2008 article published by SNOPES saying ... Barack Obama born in Kenya ... can be proven by hospital documents and witnesses ... Obama is not a legitimate U.S. Citizen.
Source of this finding about Snopes.com's article: Video "Hail to the Cheats" and research by Dr. Ron Polland
Suggested sequence for watching Dr. Ron Polland's YouTube "FRAUD IN THE USA" video clips.
Enter the channel using the #0 link below and then immediately pause the displayed video and open the videos noted in the #1 - #9 sequence:
#0 http://www.youtube.com/user/TheDrRJP#p/c/C2281523DF8C0230/1/BWciae2HFKc
YouTube channel entry; then select and view:
#1 "FRAUD IN THE USA (Chapter 1, Part 1)"
#2 "FRAUD IN THE USA (Chapter 1, Part 2)"
#3 "FRAUD IN THE USA (Chapter 1, Part 3)"
#4 "FRAUD IN THE USA (Chapter 1, Part 4)"
$5 "It's the conspiracy, Stupid!"
CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)
Pennsylvania USA
Help the cause to expose the usurper in the Oval Office at:
Previous reports on Dr. Ron Polland and his extensive research can be viewed here.
BIRTHER REPORT RECAP; As previously reported HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE. Obama's campaign & supporters posted 4 different images of a Certification of Live Birth on the Internet. Several document and computer image experts have deemed the Obama COLB(s) as fakes. If you have not yet researched the Obama COLB then this report from the Post & Email will explain it point by point. More from previous reports below the P&E report.
Via the Post & Email; - Obama’s Forged “Certification of Live Birth”: The Evidence - DID FACTCHECK PROVIDE THE LINK BETWEEN THE OBAMA CAMPAIGN AND THE 2008 PASSPORT FILE BREACHES? ...must read report HERE. ...and HERE & HERE & HERE.
Check out the 4 different Obama COLBs posted online by Obama's campaign. Also, if you missed it, meet the only 2 people to examine the Factcheck.org COLB(s), and one of them wasn't Bill O'Reilly;
1) Daily Kos COLB; http://images2.dailykos.com/images/user/3/BO_Birth_Certificate.jpg
2) Fight the Smears COLB; http://www.fightthesmears.com/images/28.jpg
3) Factcheck.org COLB with seal; http://www.factcheck.org/UploadedFiles/birth_certificate_5.jpg
4) Factcheck.org COLB without seal; http://www.factcheck.org/UploadedFiles/birth_certificate_3.jpg
All should view the research compiled at this site; http://nobarack08.wordpress.com/
Flashback from the Right Side of Life; Meet the only 2 people to ever "examine" Obama's SHORT-FORM COLB's.

Those two are completely unqualified to perform any kind of forensic examination of any document, and FactCheck.org knows it — and so do Henig and Miller.
FactCheck does say their, “representatives got a chance to spend some time with the ‘birth certificate,’ and we can attest to the fact that it is real and three-dimensional and resides at the Obama headquarters in Chicago.” In my mind, that clearly shows they were working with and for the Obama Campaign and that Obama and his people are involved in this lie. Much more HERE.
And this; - Blogger manipulates birth certificate image, undermining Obama claims - Jay McKinnon, a self-described Department of Homeland Security-trained document specialist, has implicated himself in the production of palpably fake Hawaii birth certificate images similar to the one endorsed as genuine by the Barack Obama campaign, and appearing on the same Daily Kos blog entry where the supposedly authentic document appears. Much more HERE and HERE.
And this oldie; Hawaii Officials refuse to verify president's online COLBs images released by Obama's campaign and FactCheck.org...
In response to a direct question from WND, the Hawaii Department of Health refused to authenticate either of the two versions of President Obama's short-form Certificate of Live Birth, or COLB, posted online – neither the image produced by the Obama campaign nor the images released by FactCheck.org. Janice Okubu, the public information officer for the Hawaii DOH, also had no explanation for why Dr. Fukino's initial press release last October and subsequent press release also avoided declaring the posted images to be of authentic documents.
FactCheck.org, an organization funded by the same left-leaning Annenberg Foundation that also employed Barack Obama and former Weatherman radical bomber Bill Ayers, produced a short-form Obama COLB that was very different in appearance than the campaign released. Source. And much more HERE.
Forgery is nothing new to the Obama campaign, via Debbie Schlussel; Obama’s Selective Service Draft Registration Raises Serious Questions.
Did President-elect Barack Hussein Obama commit a federal crime in September of this(last) year? Or did he never actually register and, instead, did friends of his in the Chicago federal records center, which maintains the official copy of his alleged Selective Service registration commit the crime for him?
It’s either one or the other, as indicated by the release of Barack Obama’s official Selective Service registration for the draft. The full investigative report is HERE and more HERE.
About time WND; Investigators: Obama using Connecticut issued Soc. Sec. Number... - Source. and more HERE & HERE.
Bonus; CONFIRMED: Factcheck.org Published Bogus Fact Regarding Obama’s British/Kenyan Citizenship.

Say it isn't so, Bill O'!?
Obama, Megyn, Bill, Honolulu, Hawaiian COLB - FightTheSmears -
Kenya My Country, Tusker My Beer-The Elephant in the Oval Office-Wash Times Natl Wkly-20100726-Pg 5
Yes I know this is old, but I don't care.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, that isn't a Snopes article... it's a Snopes forum post.
Second of all, that isn't even their words. They're reposting a comment from someone else. That is something that they do frequently for the purpose of giving a starting point for a discussion.
Do your research before you go spouting off nonsense.