Friday, September 17, 2010

More lies and propaganda from Obot Anderson Cooper!...laughable!

Evidence of journalistic malpractice committed by Anderson Cooper and CNN

Posted on | September 17, 2010

Thousands of citizens mailed and e-mailed and called CNN and provided Anderson Cooper with mountains of evidence in regards to Obama’s illegitimact, yet Cooper continues in the form and style of old Soviet or Goebbels propaganda defrauding the citizens.


Hey ANDY...That's not a birth certificate! IDIOT! your due diligence! Stop lying!

...non-partisan FACTCHECK??????? EXCUSE ME! They are associated with Annenburg who are in bed with Obama!

Media Matters wrote, "Sorry, WorldNetDaily: Kenya wasn't a republic until Dec. 1964." Anderson Cooper thinks he's on to something...but what about this:

...But Kenya's official independence was in 1963, and any number of labels could have been applied to government documents during that time period.

At Ameriborn Constitution News, the researcher noted that the independence process for the nation actually started taking as early as 1957, when there were the first direct elections for Africans to the Legislative Council.

"Kenya became an Independent Republic, December 12, 1963, which gives more [credibility] that this is a true document," the website stated.

The 1963 independence is corroborated by several other information sources, including the online African History.

Even the People Daily news agency cited, on Dec. 12, 2005, the "42nd independence anniversary" in Nairobi. "The country gained independence from Britain on Dec. 12, 1963," the report said.

An online copy of the Kenya Constitution, "adopted in 1963, amended in 1999," states: "CHAPTER I - THE REPUBLIC OF KENYA, Article 1, Kenya is a sovereign Republic. Article 1A, The Republic of Kenya shall be a multiparty democratic state…"

It was in November 1964 when the region voluntarily became a one-party state, according to an online source.

The region including Mombasa originally was dealt with as a separate independence movement, but it almost immediately became part of Kenya when the sultan of Zanzibar ceded the "coastal strip" to Kenya, according to sources.

1 comment:

  1. anderson,

    do you really think you are fooling ANYONE? you lightweight. yeah, i know what kind of cheese you like to eat. here's a clue d.s.:



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