Friday, October 15, 2010

Getting Away With A Felony On A Technicality

About 300.000 men and women serving overseas in our military are not going to enjoy the basic privilege to exercise their right to vote in the up coming general election.

Project SoS, the Soros backed control of State Secretaries, is a party to the travesty against our most deserving citizens. Of all people our military should be first in line to cast their ballots. The other party affiliated with this travesty is Eric Holder and the  Department of Injustice.

You have all heard by now "lead time procedures" have caused this foul up. Sure nothing like a lack of foresight to keep a predominately republican block of voters from being able to vote.

To bar 300,000 of the military from voting on time, is equivalent to telling the entire voting population  in a state like Delaware or Wyoming to forget about it this year.

Sure the DOIJ is going to fine these wrong doing State Secretaries, sure the DOIJ could only "caution" them to speed things up.  But nobody is being fooled here. The net result is exactly what was wanted by the Obama regime. These 300,000 votes could possibly influence the outcome of several close races spread over the 50 states.

 300,000 non votes for the other side- who needs Acorn.  Obama and the DNC just need to figure more ways like this  to stop the vote by the Right  .

In the age of scanners faxes and email, they can't figure a way to scan 50 state ballots, print them out, and  distribute them on the other end, set up military polling places, count the results and report it on election night by state, then  fax said certified report  back with hard copy to follow on a C130 transport. plezzzzzz.

God Damn Barack Obama


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