Saturday, October 30, 2010

SUGGESTION: These classes should be mandatory for all members of Congress AND first session should address NATURAL BORN CITIZEN clause!...

Bachmann wants Constitution classes for lawmakers
By: Marin Cogan
October 30, 2010 08:41 AM EDT
For the Tea Party soldiers worried that the young upstarts they’re poised to send to Congress will lose their constitutional druthers once they get to congress, Rep. Michele Bachmann has a message: fear not, she’s going to set up constitutional classes.

Bachmann spokesman Sergio Gor says, “It was something she’s always wanted to do. There’s so many folks that come to Capitol Hill to discuss obscure and mundane topics, but no one coming regularly to discuss bill of rights or the role of government.”

Bachmann won’t be teaching the classes, Gor says, but will help organize sessions with constitutional scholars, experts, and judges likely to be held in one of the committee rooms on the Capitol Hill complex. The classes will be open to any members—not just freshman—looking to continue their study of America’s founding documents. They will not be open, however, to staff or members of the press, and the list of speakers won’t be made public.

“They’ll provide mechanism for any member to candidly ask questions and learn and explore together,” Gor says. “I think it came about because a lot of good people get elected but a lot of them get co-opted into the establishment. Right now a lot [of candidates] are running as constitutional conservatives and we want to make sure there’s a support group for those members.”

As for other plans to reach out to the new members post election? That will have to wait until after Tuesday. “We don’t want to speculate on what she wants to do,” says Gor. “She’ll remain chairwoman of Tea Party caucus and she does have a pretty full plate already.”
© 2010 Capitol News Company, LLC

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