Thursday, October 21, 2010

Without Your Car Keys Automobile Travel Is Limited

That's the stance the military should take with the States Secretary as far as absentee voting goes.Denying ballots to deployed troops is nothing short of scandalous. What can be done to hold the SoS's feet to the fire? Give the military some teeth by devising a system that ensures they get their vote counted in our elections.

The military can do it's part by keeping the various states of overseas deployed troops informed of their status. If say my state has 4500 service members overseas then any Texas election ballot counting could not be considered official unless the margin of victory exceeded 4501.

Now that might  hold things up for Ector County Dog Catcher, but not for Governor, so a little more detail would be in order, but it could be done.

If for national security interests our country didn't want the exact number of deployed troops broadcasted, then we would want to adjust my system.

By giving the military the power to hold up the election process unless it's members are given the opportunity to vote, would provide the bureaucracies the incentive to get their jobs done on time. That being getting ballots in the hands of the troops on time.


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