Saturday, December 4, 2010

Palin's Foes May Push Her to Run in 2012

By Richard Viguerie
"Morning Joe" Scarborough’s scathing piece on Sarah Palin in Politico, rather than discouraging a run by Palin for president in 2012, may have convinced more conservatives she should run.

Joe Scarborough’s stated concerns include how Palin drew a comparison between the disparagement of her and Ronald Reagan, which is a fair assessment by Palin, and her polite but firm retort to former First Lady Barbara Bush’s comment that Palin should stay in Alaska.

Sarah Palin is the Republican “it” girl right now because she yields no ground to establishment types, bluebloods, political consultants, media elites and all those who contributed to the political and moral deterioration of the Republican Party.

Palin was ahead of the curve in taking on the GOP establishment, which is why she is a tea party favorite. She is now what Ronald Reagan said in 1976 we needed in our leaders: those who are unfettered by old ties and old relationships.

If Palin were to run, even if she didn’t win she would unquestionably transform the GOP primary for the better. Her mere force of presence would require Republican contestants to address issues they otherwise wouldn’t — in ways they otherwise wouldn’t.

In a time when the GOP teeters between returning to its constitutional small-government roots and remaining the party of Democrat-lite, Palin has a confluence of several appeals that most other prospective GOP candidates lack. Add to that her tea party credentials, and she’s hands-down a bigger big-tent prospective candidate than Mitt Romney, Tim Pawlenty, Newt Gingrich, and others frequently named.

Most importantly, Palin is a boat rocker who isn’t afraid to say the Republican Party needs to move in a direction it hasn’t even debated in over a decade, and actually shrink the size of the federal government.

The best thing for the GOP may be a presidential primary field that includes not only Palin, but Jim DeMint, Mike Pence, and one or two other conservatives who don’t toe the establishment GOP line.

Ronald Reagan’s biggest initial obstacles came from within the Republican Party itself. He didn’t become the transformational figure in the GOP we now know him to be based his first run for the presidency.

Reagan’s ability to lead by identifying issues of importance to people was remarkably similar to Sarah Palin’s. Those attempting to tear her down may be kicking up more than they bargain for.

1 comment:

  1. This statement is INCORRECT...

    " The best thing for the GOP may be a presidential primary field that includes not only Palin, ... conservatives who don’t toe the establishment GOP line." In January, 2010, in an interview with WND (I think it was), Palin was asked "How are you getting along with John McCain?" and HER response was: "Oh, just fine! I agree with him 100%!"

    THINK on that! Eleven months before "the Establishment" made McCain their nominee for POTUS, HE was the pariah of the party! Why? Because of his authorship of legislation that promoted AMNESTY FOR ILLEGALS, revocation of civil liberties as stipulated in our Bill of Rights (later revoked because SCTOS declared the legislation UNconstitutional, and other RINO advocacies.

    TWO BIG QUESTIONS here: 1. Why and HOW did he get from pariah to nominee (over 10 other candidates)? and, 2. Why is Palin -- who says SHE AGREES with McCain 100%, NOW being chosen as the "best potential CANDIDATE" -- NOT the BEST choice AS a President?

    Seems to me that the "Cult of Personality" is getting the better of those who have REAL qualifications and experience AND who have shown by their works that they do not yield to acceptance of Un-American agendas -- like the CFR and the NAU, etc.

    TPTB -- the "shadow government" was responsible for McCain -- and, it was discovered last week that McCain's lead campaign attorney is NOW responsible for an attack on LTC Lakin's character by, reportedly, the removal of Lakin's biography from Wikipedia.

    IMO, it is naive to think that the same force that controls the strings of the puppet Soetoro aka Obama, does not also control the strings of ANY possible contender for the Presidency that IS PUT UP BY THE NATIONAL REPUBLICAN PARTY. Indeed, the RNC will blackball ANY who suggest other than adherence to the New World Order agenda of the globalists.

    We ignore Pres. Dwight Eisenhower's warning "to beware of the military-industrial complex" -- he too felt their pressures on him -- but HE had the strength to resist. (Apparently, Ron Reagan did not. He betrayed his campaign pledges: "to repeal the Executive Orders which created the twin DOE's -- the Departments of Energy and Education that were established by Jimmy Carter.)


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