Thursday, December 16, 2010

We Were Hoping For A Wildcat Instead We Got A Beached Whale

Terrence Lakin's statements pre sentencing strike me as a man on his knees begging for mercy. He will get no mercy from his tribunal. They were hand picked loyalist lackeys, and they are on fire for all things Obama.

Lakin will see no more mercy than was given the anti-Hitler Germans who tried to blow him up. Those "justices" who tried the accused, were avowed Nazis who thoroughly and willingly did the bidding of the architect of evil.

Lakin will go down in history as the most, ill prepared to meet his fate martyr wannabe, that ever stepped on the grand stage of human events.

Lakin is made of "the wrong stuff" at a time when we needed a hero made of the right stuff.

Today is December 16th, about 6 decades ago almost to the day, an epic saga of gallantry began. Be glad it was not Lakin in charge at Bastogne; rather than standing his ground against overwhelming odds because it was the right thing to do, rather than telling the enemy "Nuts", Lakin would have fallen to his knees and grovelled to save his hide.

Yesterday I tried to put forth a forgiving face toward's Lakin's behavior. I've tried to see things from his perspective. Sorry, I just can't. It does not compute for me. I do not say this from an arm chair patriot position. Safe and secure never having put my life at risk. I have risked my life before. I have led from the front going into darkened buildings searching for burglars) more than once. Where does the courage come from, to cross the threshold, to move forward, or to take a stand? Is it about protecting some valuables, or securing some comfort. No. It comes from not allowing evil to go unconfronted. It's about standing up for what's right and saying no to darkness. If it takes a life to do so, so be it.

The sin of Lakin is not that he cracked, or was gotten to, but that he stayed down on the ground. He did not arise to his feet to stand his last ground. He whimpered.

What were Count Klaus Von Stafenberg's last words as he faced the firing squad? Were they. "I'm sorry ", " I was wrong ", " I'll go now ". No Stafenberg's last word's were " Long Live Germany". Stafenberg kept his manhood and honor intact. What were Patrick Henry's words as the noose was laid around his neck? " I regret, I have but one life to give for my country."i> During Viet Nam we heard of stories of our POW's who endured years of beatings in the Hanoi Hilton, who crafted an American flag from threads of their blankets to remind them why they were making such sacrifices.

Lakin will sit in a jail cell the next three years, cold in the knowledge, he turned away, when he could have helped his country. Not even the bronze star for meritorious doctoring will warm him. His time in jail is going to drag because he knuckled under. He must live with that shame.


1 comment:

  1. i think you are wrong by about $2,000,000....the value of Lakin's retirement fund. He has a family. I forgive him because we can all see the writing on the wall..NO OBAMA EVIDENCE. How can you fight that? I'm sure Lakin will get some leniency. Look any human with average intelligence, given the true facts, will come to the same conclusion you and i do.....obama stinks on ice, he is a fraud, and his 242-68-4425 social security number more than proves it. There are bigger forces out there that say "FU, he is our man." Now the questions becomes, will obama be able to run 2012?


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