Tuesday, January 11, 2011


As you have probably heard, Bill O'Reilly the bombastic and very smug spin meister on Fox's 'Factor" who by the way has "seen" Obama's birth certificate and vouched for his legitimacy (LOL) has landed the opportunity to interview the USURPER Barack Hussein Obama. Oh how I would love the opportunity to ask the questions. You can be sure that the bogus POTUS would be walking off the set after just 2 or 3 of my questions!

Anyway, Silly Billy got the gig and you can be damn sure that he won't be asking the BOGUS POTUS any questions about eligibility, birth certificates, life in Kenya, illicit immigration, associations with Communists, rascists, and bigots, abuse of public funds, failure to answer complaints in Court, failure to even give LTC Lakin a written response to Lakin's letter of inquiry re: eligibility, political prisoners, bowing to foreign leaders, funding Hamas, kow-towing to our enemies, failing to protect our borders, lawsuits against our own states and citizens, selective service fraud, or why he has a SSN issued for someone from Connecticut born in 1890, or why there are more than 2 dozen SSNs associated with his name, or why he never fessed up to the American people and told them that he gave up his bar license in Illinois because of perjury, or those fraudulent certificates of nomination signed by Nancy Pelosi, or who he met with in Hawaii just before the 2008 election, or why he calls America a Muslim country, or why he didn't prosecute the black Panthers, or why he covers Christian symbols and omits references to God and Our Creator in speeches, or who he talks to on his Blackberry or why he refuse to respect the will of the American people (Can you say Obamacare)...etc. etc.

You get the idea...I could go on for days.

HERE'S THE CHALLENGE: Start writing your questions for O'Reilly to ask Obama. We will compile a huge list. We will post the list here well before the Super Bowl. We will circulate the list throughout the internet and send it to Fox and O'Reilly. We will make this list go viril and shame O'Reilly. Of course he will not ask any of our questions but he will have known about them you can be sure. Thus we will PROOVE that O'Reilly and Fox are in bed with the anti-American, anti-Christian, bigoted USURPER and we will shame O'Reilly and truly expose him for the liar and fraud HE is! The ultimate PINHEAD!

You can post your questions here or email them to our email address posted on our blog. 
NO LIMIT on number of questions you may submit. Let's get busy!


  1. First question: "Who'se yo daddy ... the real one that is... the one that put his genes in yo mammy?"

  2. Ask him if he ever received any college tuition funding as a "foreign exchange" student while going by the name of Barry Soetoro?

  3. Ask him what passport he used when he traveled to Pakistan in 1981 since it was listed as off limits to all U.S. citizens at the time?

  4. Ask him why he is using a Social Security number that was issued to someone else?

  5. Given the uncontradicted expert opinions of over 20 digital forensic experts that your alleged Hawaiian birth certificate is a flat-out forgery, what decision would a reasonable judge reach as to your Constitutional eligibility to serve as the President of United States?

  6. Inasmuch as you were registered for private school in Indonesia under the name of Barry Soetoro and as a Muslim, how can you expect Americans to reasonably believe that you are a Christian? And as a followup, when did you legally change your name to Barack Obama, Jr.?

  7. Given that every previous president has released his college application forms and transcripts, is it reasonable that you have not done so and have thwarted every FOIA request through a cadre of defense lawyers?

  8. Given that you sat in Jeremiah Wright's church for 20 years, should the American People reasonably believe that you never once heard any of his chronic incendiary remarks, such as "God damn America"?

  9. There is documentation that you were a citizen of Indonesia as a child, so my question to you is when did you apply for U.S. citizenship and was it before you registered with the Selective Service?

  10. I listen to FOX news everyday. The Obama "Birther" issue is off limits at FOX. In fact O'Reilly has called us "Pinheads", others such as Smith have followed suit. Obama frequently brings FOX News up as one of his critics. If they truly were they would have pushed the eligibility issue instead of disparaging it. See: Laity v NY at SCOTUS seeking Obama's removal from office for usurpation of the Presidency during time of war.

  11. "Birthers are Pinheads"-Bill O'Reilly


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