Saturday, January 8, 2011

Ft Hood , Tucson, and Obama is Still Not A Natural Born US Citizen Thanks To His Claimed British Kenyan Father

Obama couldn't give the victims the time of day when he first learned of the Ft Hood shootings during a speech to some tribal elders in North Dakota. The Ft Hood shooting which killed 30 plus soldiers, was by the hands of a home grown Muslim terrorist. Matter of fact it took Obama 3 days to even comment on the event, even then Obama overlooked Nidal Hasan's Muslim background, but when one of Obama's lackey congresswomen gets shot, he jumps in front of the teleprompter in less than a hour to prattle on about how speechless he is; speechless ha, that in and of itself is an unqualified first for the unqualified mini messiah afflicted with diarrhea of the mouth.

When will Obama learn his words are past redundant and trite, "thoughts and prayers" "shocked and dismayed". What Obama must really be thinking is "these f'kers are starting to get too close for my comfort."

Respect for the rule of law, tre paisse' fini. That went completely out of fashion November 4, 2008 when a usurper with some help from ACORN and George Soros, was elected and ALL three branches of the government including the military looked the other way.

I need no lectures about respecting public officials, when those public officials have broken the trust. To me they are now just so much scum, and the mindset on how they are viewed needs to change by the freedom loving people of this country. The Obamaists can slur away, it doesn't matter, because the truth is the truth.

These days are filled with irony- a deranged atheist guns down a rino federal judge and an anti freedom ex republican congresswoman. If Obama was "shocked and saddened" by that, think how he'll feel when and if the sane people with just cause rise up, against him and his supporters. Obama will have some formidable domestic enemies then.

As for the innocents who were killed or wounded, that is a tragedy. This incident should serve warning to those who tread on the people, of just what can befall them. The lunatics will always be out there, but when the best this country has to offer starts finding common ground with the nutjobs, then some major soul searching needs to start happening by those we send to govern and that means not dictating to us and not placing themselves above the law as in Obama's case.


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