Sunday, January 9, 2011

Lakin’s conviction has awakened sleeping giant in Obama’s eligibility

Prominent liberals and Democrats now calling for birth certificate

Lt. Col. Lakin and his wife Pili
By Jack Minor
If the Obama administration hoped the court-martial of Greeley resident Lt. Col. Terry Lakin would put the eligibility issue to rest once and for all, their hopes appear to have been in vain. The eligibility issue looks as if it’s gaining traction with prominent liberals and Democrats now calling for the President to release his birth certificate.
During the trial, Lakin was not allowed to present witnesses or documents related to the President's eligibility to be Commander-in-Chief under article II of the Constitution. Following his conviction, Lakin was sentenced to six months in Ft. Leavenworth. The sentence has yet to be approved by the commanding general, MGen Horst, who has the ability to reduce or commute the sentence.
In the days following the conviction, liberal commentator Chris Matthews, who has said for months that the President has released his birth certificate and that he has personally seen the document, has now done an about-face. Appearing with David Corn from Mother Jones and Clarence Page of the Chicago Tribune, Matthews showed a copy of a long form and asked, “Why has the President not demanded they release the original documents”? He went on to say he was an “enemy of the birthers.”
Incoming Democratic Hawaii Governor, Neil Abercrombie, who was listed as a member of Democratic Socialists of America in their literature, conducted multiple interviews saying it was his desire to be able to release more information regarding the President’s birth. He experienced anger at those who have expressed skepticism over the certification of live birth posted online which the state of Hawaii has never confirmed as authentic. He even said, “I was here when that baby was born.”
Abercrombie told the Star Advertiser that he was talking with the state attorney general’s office and the director of the Health Department to see how he could release information about Obama’s birth.
In an interview with Steve Malzberg on Dec. 30, Jeff Kuhner of the Washington Times said, “People around the White House, Democratic circles, and the liberal media – including top senior editors — all know there’s something there about Obama’s birth eligibility but are afraid to pursue the matter…the implications are that if this story turns out to be true, we fear it could be a civil war within America…”
Supporters of Lt. Col. Lakin have set up a fund at where people can make donations to help Lakin and his family. Another website,, has begun selling t-shirts and mugs saying things such as “all he wanted was the truth, instead he got prison” with all profits going to support Lakin.
Those wishing to write Terry can do so by sending a letter to:
Terrance Lakin #89996
830 Sabalu Road
Fort Leavenworth, KS 66027
When writing, do not include rank or title on the address. Lakin can only receive letters, greeting cards and post office money orders. Do not send any packages, food, magazines etc.
According to his wife Pili, Lakin is in good spirits and doing well. In a letter from prison Lakin wrote, “The thing is for the work to carry-on so we never have this situation again.”

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