Sunday, January 23, 2011

A MESSAGE TO IGNORAMUS ERIC CANTOR...from the blogosphere...

"House Majority Leader Eric Cantor says he believes Obama is a citizen and that most Americans are beyond that question."

Oh really?

First off, the question is not whether or not he is a 'citizen', but whether he is a 'natural born citizen'. It's a unique presidential requirement. There is a big difference and being a lawmaker, you should know this.

Secondly, why do we need to "believe" anything? How about Obama simply coughing up some simple documents that all of us 'regular folks' have to retrieve from time to time to prove who we are? You're asking us to take on faith that Obama is who he says he is. Why should we believe a proven liar?

And lastly, I'd say that more Americans, not less, are picking up on the question of Obama's eligibility under the US Constitution Mr. Cantor. And we wonder why he just doesn't he allow access to all of his birth records to put the matter to rest . So you have it reversed. And who's side are you on, anyway?

I think that most Americans would like to see the question of Obama's eligibility answered legally without having to 'believe' anything.

1 comment:

  1. The 2 party system is a shame. Really what the 2 party system is doing is protecting the political class from the people.

    The political class understands only power, unless we can amass in great numbers were are doomed.

    There must be one website to coordinate a national effort against the political class. We have to mobilize hundreds of thousands of people at a moments notice (better than obama and acorn), to flood talk shows, vote polls, harass congress, senate, judicial, municipalities. Raise money to mail the truth to america. Get Terrence Lakin on the news when he gets out to tell his story...on and on.


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