Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Some GOOD NEWS for a change...

Strunk v Paterson (Obama): First time in the USA since 1824; Judge has opined on what Natural Born citizen is; Concludes Obama is not a NBC.

Via Chris Strunk; The first time anywhere in the USA since 1824, that any Judge has opined on what Natural Born citizen is and concluding that BHO Jr. is not NBC. This affidavit will be notarized tomorrow...


  1. ...Barry was never legally a US citizen.

    Also...His mother registered him as a foreign born American fraudulently.

    It is the same premise of fruit off the poisoned tree principle. He was born a natural born citizen of Kenya. When he was adopted or acknowledged by hs mother's Indonesian husband, he became a natural born citizen of Indonesia. His mother and he had to relinquish their US citizenship to live, go to public school, and work there.

    Indonesia did not recognize dual citizenshps. When he renewed his Indoensian passport at 18, he had to take an Oath of Allegiance, renouncing all other allegiances. That is an expatriating act in and of itself.

    He is NOT a Natural Born US Citizen.

  2. With one, maybe 2 or 3, exceptions, all the FACTS you relate are meaningless to the members of Congress who, by their silence, endorse the coup that the communists and Marxists have pulled off on the American people. Getting rid of Soetoro aka Obama is pretty meaningless IF we do not get rid of those who put him into the position of power. Those ARE incumbent Representatives and Senators! WHY did the ardent Constitutioalist, Congressmanm Dr. Ron Paul, R-TX, not aredntly protest the NOMINATION of a person who had ALREADY stated that his FATHER was a Kenyan Subject of Great Britain?

    St. Paul got it right! "By their WORKS ye shall know them."


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