Tuesday, February 22, 2011

This Not What Democracy Looks Like- It's What A Totalitarian Regime Looks Like-Here's A suggestion For A Bill That Every State Should Adopt

Texas went through this once. Wisconsin and Ohio are going through this now. What I'm talking about is the use of the political tactic of running away in order to halt any votes by a legislature.

Every state should make it a felony for lawmakers to hide out in state or across state lines in order to prevent the legislative process from operating. This act is no different than upsetting the checker board when you are doomed to lose. Instead of accepting the will of the people, Fourteen Wisconsin state senators chose to knock over the board.

This is NOT what democracy looks like.

An elected official is elected to represent not play games. Sometimes they don't have the votes, too bad-that IS what democracy looks like. These legislators swore an oath to serve, just like a member of the military. What happens when a serviceman goes AWOL? Case closed.

Personally I think these fugitives should be arrested where ever they are found and extradited back to Wisconsin. Or if by their absence have their vote cast as NOT VOTING.

Another thing, the Capitol building in Wisconsin is no place for a demonstration. That building should not be a stage for anarchists to beat their drum. Gov. Walker needs to surround the building and start dragging them out. They can protest within an area where their permit allows and during the time allotted, anything else should be considered a riot and dealt with accordingly. Non resident protesters should be charged with inciting a riot as outside agitators.

Gov Walker is getting walked on. He may consider his inaction a way to defuse a situation, but a better way is to stop this unlawful behavior . He should order the protesters to dispurse or face enforcement of the law. To do otherwise only encourages these law breakers.


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