Monday, March 7, 2011

threatening us all
In less than three weeks, the prices at my local gas station have gone up fifty cents a gallon. This morning, a number of media sources were reporting four and even five dollar a gallon gas is coming. Given the rate gas prices have been increasing over the last couple of weeks that is going to be here sooner, not later.
With that staggering increase in gas prices, comes the ripple effect. Everything we consume is going to become more expensive because of the cost of fuel. This will include everything from food to clothing to durable goods; such was computers and washing machines. With Americans having to cut even more of their discretionary income to pay for fuel, we will see yet more Americans out of work and even more disruption to a soft economy.
I suppose I could note that the drive-by media is not all over their President, like they were over George W. Bush. I could also note that Obama wants higher gas prices. He said as much. High gas prices will help destroy the American economy, which is one of his ( and George Soros’) goals.
No, I am here to say we Americans will not go quietly into the economic nightmare that Obama and his socialist cronies have intended for us.
America has vast resources. Thanks to fifty years of the leftists trying to hobble our economy, we are now not allowed to access those resources.  It is utter insanity to import two thirds of our oil and be dependent on countries that hate us, when we have more than enough oil here in America.
Now is the time to stop the madness.
Here is what we need to do. tell your senators and congressman that you do not want them to do anything else, including funding the government for the rest of the year, until congress enacts an emergency plan to immediately begin drilling for oil in all available areas in the country. Not only do we have massive oil reserves off the coasts of this country, but also inland. In Texas, North and South Dakota, Montana and Wyoming in the Bakken Reserve we have massive oil reserves. Why aren't we drilling? Answer, thanks to leftist environmentalists, we can't.

We also need refineries for the oil. The last refinery in the United States was built in 1976. Why? Because every time a company proposes building one, they are sued by the environmentalists and the cases tie the refinery up for years in our courts, costing millions of dollars in legal fees. In addition, there is so much bureaucracy that must be dealt with; it makes it impossible to build one. Even liberal Slate magazine, in 2004 recognized the refinery shortage was driving up prices.
By allowing drilling and the immediate construction of new refineries, not only will we see a drop in the price of gas, which will help the economy, but we will also see creation of jobs in Gulf Coast area, Texas and through out the Midwest. Of course, these are all red states, so Obama does not want to help them.
We need congress to pass emergency legislation that will allow not only immediate drilling, but also the immediate construction of new refineries.  Congress is also going to have to strip federal courts of the ability to issue injunctions to stop their construction.
Gas at four dollars a gallon is a crisis. Gas at five dollars a gallon will be a serious economic crisis and gas at ten dollars a gallon will trigger a further economic meltdown in this country.
Think of the jobs new drilling and the refineries will create.
Spread the word about this. If you feel so inclined, reprint this blog on your local Tea Party group’s website, or share it via email and at your next meeting. We have very little time to prevent an economic disaster.
If gas prices drop significantly, we will start to see something of an economic recovery.  Call, email and fax Washington! We don't want to be telling our children and grand children stories of living through America’s second great depression.
Distributed by Tea Party Nation

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