Sunday, March 20, 2011

Obama Dares Congress to Impeach Him

©2011 drkate
Daring Congress to impeach him, Obama launched missiles against the nation of Libya without authorization or provocation.  Hiding in Bush’s clothing and using the same day to launch an attack on another middle eastern country does not hide the raw unconstitutional exercise of power.
Senator Richard Lugar warned Obama on Thursday…when Obama was just talking about a no-fly zone.  A lot of good it did as Obama bombed Libya on Saturday.
Obama Illegally Usurps the Power of Congress
James Madison was very clear on why the founders vested the Legislature and not the Executive with the power to declare war:
The Constitution expressly and exclusively vests in the Legislature the power of declaring a state of war [and] the power of raising armies. A delegation of such powers [to the president] would have struck, not only at the fabric of our Constitution, but at the foundation of all well organized and well checked governments. The separation of the power of declaring war from that of conducting it, is wisely contrived to exclude the danger of its being declared for the sake of its being conducted.”
Declaring war on Libya through his direction of U.S. military action against it is declaring a war for ‘the sake of its being conducted’.  This is the New World Order talking, Obama’s handlers, the Brzezinski, Rockefeller, and Rothschilds cabal of war, drugs, guns, and money.
Continue reading ‘Obama Dares Congress to Impeach Him’

1 comment:

  1. aka "Baroke Odrama" is foreign born and has no constitutional rights at all. He would like Congress to impeach him because that is a Constitutional process and give him rights he does not have.

    A citizen's arrest on suspicion of 75 felonys would do.


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