Friday, March 25, 2011


IF you want to support Trump’s challenge, you can do this WITHOUT declaring him to be your choice for president, or any other office — just keep the pressure on Barry Soetoro/Obama until he is exposed!
TO SEND A THANK YOU TO DONALD FOR SPEAKING OUT & CALLING FOR THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE, GO TO THIS WEBSITE:, click on the “Contact Us” tab, and post your comments there. 
It takes less than a minute or two, and you can vent your spleen like I did below, if you are so inclined:
Thank you, Donald, for stepping up to the plate and talking about the number 1 question that is on the minds of 270 million Americans: can Obama prove that he can issue anything other than unlawful orders, since he has not proven that he is a natural born Citizen? (If not, then LTC Terry Lakin should be freed from Leavenworth, where he is imprisoned for asking the same question you have).
The Birth Certificate (not that forged and inadmissible piece of 'dog mess' that Obama has posted on the internet - the CERTIFICATION of LIVE BIRTH) is a logical place to start, since the ditzy-dimbulbs on The View can't even talk logically about that one.

Then, when you hit them with the definition: -“The natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens…it is necessary that a person be born of a father who is a citizen; for, if he is born there of a foreigner, it will be only the place of his birth, and not his country.” - they will become even more apoplectic, and suffer a complete meltdown on public TV or radio.

Keep up the great work.  You will endear yourself to 90% of the American people with this one bold and logical question: IS HE ELIGIBLE as a natural born Citizen TO BE POTUS and CIC?

If not, the next step is painful but obvious. TREASON by any other name, is still TREASON.

This may turn out to be the biggest pile of dog mess Whoopi has ever seen!

In Liberty.

Neil B. Turner Citizens for the Constitution

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