Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Obama campaign attacks author probing eligibility

'The White House is in panic mode. The White House knows the truth'

Posted: September 14, 2011

By Bob Unruh
© 2011 WND

The Obama campaign for the 2012 presidential race has launched a new "fight the smears" type website, this time called "," with a personal attack on Dr. Jerome Corsi, the author of the best-selling "Where's the Birth Certificate?"
The ominous black and white website has a blood-red color overlay over a photograph of Corsi, whose book is credited with causing so much concern inside the bowels of the Obama White House that an attorney was dispatched on a special trip to Hawaii in April to obtain a purported copy of the state's "Certificate of Live Birth" for Obama, even though administration officials had said for years that was a document that wasn't available.
Corsi, who noted the Obama camp earlier tried to raise funds on supporters' fears of what is being revealed about Obama, said there's a reason for the Obama re-election campaign to be creating such sites.

"The White House is in panic mode," Corsi said. "The White House knows the truth – that Obama is not a natural born citizen, for many reasons, including that he was a dual citizen at birth due to his father being a Kenyan citizen."
The dispute centers around the U.S. Constitution's requirement that a president be only a "natural born Citizen." That was generally thought during the time the Constitution was being written to be the offspring of two citizens of a country on that country's soil.
Jerome Corsi's new book,  "Where's the Birth Certificate?", is now available for immediate shipping, autographed by the author, only from the WND Superstore
There have been numerous legal challenges to Obama's eligibility to be president, and of late, WND has reported on an extensive list of experts in imaging, computers and other fields who have stated unequivocally that the "Certificate of Live Birth" that the president presented as a real document is, in fact, a fake.
There also are those who argue that even should Obama have been born in the U.S. as he claims, his father's status as an alien precluded him ever from qualifying as a "natural born Citizen."

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