Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Obama’s Anti-Drilling Policies Stifle Job Recovery

Frank York,EPA Abuse
Obama’s anti-energy policies stifle economic recovery.
President Obama is clearly an anti-energy activist. He has placed the Environmental Protection Agency under the authority of Lisa Jackson,a regulatory zealot – and is doing everything in his power to destroy America’s energy industry.
One of Obama’s anti-energy tactics is to block or lengthen the time it takes to get approval for an oil lease in the Gulf of Mexico. Oil is the lifeblood of the American economy – that’s why Obama has targeted it.
Back in July,the House Oversight Committee released a report on Obama’s effective destruction of oil drilling jobs.
House Committee Chairman Darrell Issa,R-CA,noted….
Read more.

1 comment:

  1. i know there are few comments on here ... been reading this site for a while now but maybe someone will see this and come to the same conclusion i have.... it seems to me that everything this administration is doing is like something out of a movie... every time i turn around...IMO... obama is playing a combination part of eddie murphy in trading places and richord pryor in brewsters millions... he was elevated by high up people like murphys character was and he spends money like there is no tomorrow like pryors character in the hopes of spending it all to reap some big reward from someone if he uses it all up in a certain amount of time... just makes a person go hmmmmmm.. would someone really try and take a movie script and try to act it out in real life just to screw with our heads???


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