Sunday, October 9, 2011

14th Amendment Biting Libs Asses

Oh what a tangled web we weave when we practice to deceive.

Anchor baby- Anwar Al-Alaki, a US born "citizen" recently killed in a drone strike in Yemen, has opened a can of habeus corpus, for the libs. How dare we execute an American citizen without allowing due process. The question in libdom has arisen-"If Al-Alaki can be terminated with extreme prejudice, what is there to stop the Feds before they decide you or thee has to go?"

Let's review Anwar Al-Alaki, born in New Mexico, to Yemeni citizen parents studying in the US, returning to Yemen 7 years later. ( Sound vaguely familiar??? Kenya... Yemen... student parent?)

How does having Yemeni student parents qualify Al-Alaki US citizenship?  How is being born in a land other than your native land,( ie Yemen,) less a consequence of circumstance,  rather than more a pathway to US citizenship?

Because the Left has twisted the intent of the 14th Amendment, from giving the former slaves of 1863 US citizenship, to giving citizenship to any fool dropped on our soil, no matter how they got here. By acknowledging Al-Alaki anchor baby citizenship status, then gunning him down without a fare-the -well, has given the Libs yet another liberal contradiction to explain to the rest of us.

The answer the libs are searching for. to this issue is quite simple. Untwist the 14th Amendment.

 Al Alaki is/was no more a legitimate US citizen than Chairman Mao. Al Alaki was an enemy combatant, a foreign enemy, a native Yemeni citizen.


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