Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Let the Impeachment of Holder Begin

The Relentless Conservative,The Huffington Post

Conservatives are all abuzz about the possibility Eric Holder,Obama’s lead lawyer buddy,may be moving inexorably toward his own impeachment.As a Conservative myself,I say let’s get right down to it:impeach Holder and disbar him just like Bill Clinton was disbarred.
Clearly,Holder will ‘fall on his on sword’rather than rat out his President. First he might try to ‘resign,’or he’ll be ‘fired’by an indignant Obama.
This administration will do anything to avoid the impeachment of Holder but that is exactly what needs to happen to get to the bottom of this whole lethally incompetent scam by Obama’s poorly selected team. If Holder is allowed to skate away without any further investigation,the American people will never know the depth of deceit involved in this quagmire.
An outside possibility,though unlikely is that Holder,like a junkie facing felony charges and an agonizing withdrawal,might ‘flip’on his boss and implicate Obama. I certainly hope this happens.
Regardless,when the smoke clears on this “Operation Fast and Furious”mess (which resulted in the death of 2 Federal agents and over 200 Mexicans with US-supplied guns),Holder will look like a deer caught in the headlights.
Beginning with his Obama-backed attacks on the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution where Holder said he didn’t believe Americans have the right to bear arms….
Read more.

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