Monday, October 5, 2009

Keyes v Obama 10/05/09 Pt II

Gary will be posting more about his take later this evening.

His gut reaction- Justice Carter wants to pass this hot potato out of his courtroom. (I'm afraid that ex-marine's knees buckled under pressure from above).

Gary felt Carter wanted to rule against but the courts reaction to Orly's and Kreep's oration stayed his ruling for an in chambers review and ruling. It could come within 24 hours or several days.

Orly will have that info up when she gets it.

Our Congress will not rule on Quo Warranto, I was there in D.C. 9/11/09 talking to my Senators aides, they weren't even sure what a Natural Born Citizen meant. We are under a Usurper I fear, unless God divines otherwise.



  1. Well, if the judge WAS moved by courtroom reaction, then during his consideration perhaps he can be moved by email interest to NOT dismiss. Emphasis should be that discovery cannot be postponed any longer - in order to get to the merits as he has been quoted as wanting to do.

  2. We need a revolutin then if NO Federal judge has the guts to uphold the Constitution!!!! Did Obama threaten or pay Judge Carter off???? I am sick of this cover-up for this criminal Usurper!!!!!

  3. Wonder if there will be another "outside the courthouse" interview with Orly - on YouTube.

  4. GUTLESS WONDERS!!! ARE THERE NO MEN LEFT IN AMERICA???? Please Lord let Judge Carter grow a backbone quickly!!!!! Please save our country from this criminal usurper president, force the TRUTH out now!!!!

  5. Yes, a full mobilization of public reaction via the internet, email, public outcry, etc. etc. needs IMMEDIATELY to be launched. There is NOTHING more important facing our nation right now.

    It's too bad that no Conservative Radio Talk Show Host will pick this up.

  6. Obama's government lawyers are high fiving each other, shame on them for covering-up for this CRIMINAL TRAITOR! God help our country! Our Constitution is officially shredded today!

  7. Carter needs to grow a spine.

    Very sad to hear this news, but I am not surprised.

    Don't give up folks!

    (uk Orly supporter)

  8. We must flood Judge Carter's office with our redress of grievances!! Here is the Court contact info, PLEASE CALL:
    U.S. District Court
    411 W. Fourth St.
    Santa Ana, CA 92701

  9. "Well, if the judge WAS moved by courtroom reaction, then during his consideration perhaps he can be moved by email interest to NOT dismiss."

    Even better, a personal visit to his home by 100 American Patriots might be enough to sway him. Anyone have Judge Carter's address?


    Great Idea

  11. Yeah... call Carter? Both the OCWeekly and the OC Register Total Buzz blogs say that Carter is not happy about the phonecalls. Both say he mentioned it to Orly.

    One blog says he told Orly to ask people to stop it. The other blog says he told Orly that if they continue to call, they will be put right into voicemail and messages will be deleted.

    Way to go.

  12. Why is he blaming Orly for the phonecalls? Orly hasn't told anyone to phone him as far as I am aware.

    Carter underestimates the power of the people of the USA - they may have been slumbering for a few years, but are slowly waking up - he should join them.

    Carter needs to get a grip, and realise where is priorities lie, with the people of the USA.

    If I was in the USA I would join a rally outside Carter's home and outside the Courts - whatever it takes.

    This shouldn't go without a fight - you are fighting for you and your childrens future, your freedom, liberty and justice - your constitutional rights, all of which )0( is working on destroying.

    My heart and hope is with you guys...don't give up.

    (Orly supporter in the UK)

  13. Guys...I know you want to help, but going to the home of a Federal judge to help sway him is not a very smart idea. It would hurt the case by giving the opposing attorneys grounds for appeal if the judge happens to rule in favor of Taitz.


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