Who put him up to it? Is O'Reilly in bed with the Obama gang on this one? Is this some sort of payback? O'Reilly and his female minions/legal experts last night do a great disservice to the American people spreading this garbage.
The American people simply want answers, i.e., the truth about Obama. The fact is that O'Reilly can offer no reasonable explanation why "our president" cannot divulge his past and prove his eligibility. It's obvious that the man is illegitimate and O'Reilly knows it too. But instead, they spin and lie and play this game with the American people because they are told to do so. What a farce!
Don't watch the crap on Fox...because they are not being truthful with YOU! Meantime you can complain and tell Fox that you have had it with their lies, distortions and cover-up of this critical, constitutional issue.
Write, call or email:
Mitchell, Ron Producer (212) 301-3697 (212) 301-5147 ron.mitchell@foxnews.com
← Kerchner V Obama, Update, October 27, 2009, Appeal Filed with Third Circuit Court of Appeals in Philadelphia PA, Mario Apuzzo, Judge Jerome B. Simandle’s dismissal, Obama not natural born citizen
Bill O’Reilly, Orly Taitz, Fox, Obama, Judge Land, Case Frivolous, Taitz fined $ 20,000, Lis Wiel, Kimberly Guilfoil, O’Reilly Factor, NO spin?, O’Reilly shooting messenger, O’Reilly coward, Obama not natural born citizen, Citizen Wells challenge
October 28, 2009 · 112 Comments
“Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.”…Proverbs 16:18
”There is an epidemic of shooting the messenger in this country.”…Citizen Wells
Bill O’Reilly, who has a sinecure, maligned Orly Taitz and anyone questioning the eligibility of Barack Obama last night, October 27, 2009, on his Fox TV show.
O’Reilly is well known for being a pompous ass.
Last night, Bill O’Reilly was a coward.
Neither O’Reilly or his female fawners, who agreed the case was frivolous and that Orly Taitz deserved what she got, have done sufficient research to make an intelligent, informed comment on the subject.
I criticize Bill O’Reilly for pontificating on a subject that he knows little about.
I also criticize O’Reilly for shooting the messenger.
Orly Taitz, Philip Berg, Leo Donofrio, Mario Apuzzo, concerned active and retired military, myself, commenters on this blog and millions of concerned Americans are not the guilty party in this matter. Barack Obama is guilty.
Barack Obama
* His father was Kenyan and a British Citizen.
* Obama has not provided a long form birth certificate.
* Obama has spent hundreds of thousands of someone’s money to fight proving eligibility.
* Obama has consistently lied to the American people.
* Obama is entangled in Chicago and IL corruption and should be indicted.
* Obama’s further control of federal prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald should alarm everyone.
So, Bill O’Reilly, quit shooting the messenger and do your damn job. After all, the Obama administration continues to shoot Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity.
O’Reilly, you coward, try picking on me. I am a natural born citizen of the US, close to your age, male, with a strong business background. I have thoroughly researched Obama’s background and eligibility issues and written about it. I am not receiving a large salary for doing this. I simply care about this country.
I hereby challenge Bill O’Reilly to a battle of facts.
I will, of course, be attacking an unarmed opponent.
Bill O’Reilly, please explain why concerned Americans should not boycott your show.
And now for the response from Captain Pamela Barnett, a lead plaintiff in one of Taitz’ cases:
“(Oct. 28, 2009) — She was a captain in the U.S. Army, assigned to Military Intelligence; but now retired she’s fighting a war on two fronts.
Captain Pamela Barnett is lead plaintiff in a case that could lead to the removal and life-time imprisonment of Barack Hussein Obama on charges of high-crimes, election fraud, campaign fraud, and a laundry list of campaign financing violations.
But Captain Barnett is not shirking her duty to defend her fellow Plaintiffs in the case: no, she is rebutting the lies and falsehoods promoted by the widely followed, but often errant and politically correct, Bill O’Reilly of Fox News.”
“From Captain Pamela Barnett to Bill O’Reilly – October 28, 2009
I challenge you Mr. O’Reilly to interview me..
I am Captain Pamela Barnett U.S. Army Retired of Barnett v. Barack Obama.
I am sick and tired of you defaming our lawsuit and our attorney against the Resident in the Whitehouse Obama. 48 plaintiffs mostly military retired have brought this lawsuit to force the production of Obama’s vital records to determine if he is in fact a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN which is one of the requirements to be a legal POTUS and NOT an illegal USURPER. There is also a huge amount of information regarding fraud that Obama committed before being illegally sworn in as POTUS.
CPT Pamela Barnett, U.S.Army Retired”
Read more:
Some of the initial comments on the Citizen Wells blog after O’Reilly’s remarks:
“How are these people like Lis, Bill, and Kimberly, on Fox, going to explain themselves to the public after Kerchner gets Obama thrown to the curb.
After hearing those idiots say Obama is legitimate I hope Obama is removed from office just so I can see the expressions on their faces, it will be priceless.”
bob strauss
“OWrongly just made me throw up a little in my mouth. How ignorant can he be? And that blond dimwit. It’s been repeatedly proved Obotomy was born in Hawaii? Looked into by Congress? WHAT???? And then they don’t even know what Natural Born even means? I don’t know why anyone watches that show.”
“O’Reilly sucks!”
“O’reilly sucks and double sucks!!
I stopped watching long time ago when he talked down to his audience and being an ex-teacher, as my daddy would say, ‘that don’t set right with me’.”
“O’Reilly has gotten way to big for his britches. That “nose up in the air” arrogance sickens me and reminds me of someone else we all know.”
“Observer, Bill Oreally, Lis Wiel, and Kimberly Guilfoil, all agreed the case was frivolous, she brought the same case to the same court twice, and she got what she deserved. That is about what it boiled down to.”
bob strauss
“Yepppers,…. I have been losing my respect for o’reilly,……. this really nailed it shut. I have sent him emails telling him to find out the truth,…. but, it seems that he wants to remain ignorant on the facts of obamas birth. I will email him again and tell him he needs to change the name of his show. NO – SPIN…… what a joke.”
“Watched O’Reilly’s comments on Orly, I have been studying on this ever since. The comments were not fair or balanced. NOW Orly or one of her reps. should contact the No Spine Zone and have the opportunity to defend herself with the truth! The Big Leprachan is a know it all”
“joyceaz, Bill needs to change the name of his show to “The Spin Zone”.”
bob strauss
“After the 3 against 1 on O’Reilly I believe she should be on this week!”
“OK – O’Reilly was the show that started my turn from uninformed democrat to a strong conservative and for about the last year – I can hardly stand him. Now – he is dead to me. YKWIM
Thanks Venice and SueK for the welcome.”
“Did anyone really expect anything different from O’Reilly?”
“Observer, Bill Oreally, Lis Wiel, and Kimberly Guilfoil, all agreed the case was frivolous, she brought the same case to the same court twice, and she got what she deserved. That is about what it boiled down to.
Thanks Bob. So it came down to an “O’Bloviate” segment only. Figures. He loves macho soundbites – but he’s definitely been looking old lately plus losing the hair more and more. They should give Beck his slot and put Lou Dobbs in Beck’s. None of them want to commit to the eligibility question though because they just don’t know Constitutional law or care and want to wait ’til the patriots get all bloodied up – then report it later and take the credit.”
“They have something on O’Reilly. There are too many reaasons why Obama’s COLB is suspect for him not to elaborate at all. They have something on him.”
Additional comments from American citizens who are far more informed than O’Reilly:
“Obama law tab up to $1.7 million
‘Grassroots army’ contributions used to crush eligibility lawsuits?
“He’s full of it because those records were sealed shortly after Barky went to visit the dying Gramma Dunham. Does he really want us to believe that the State of Hawaii gave HIM the birth certificate?
He thinks we’re stupid; he has another thing coming.
Ratings or blackmail…take your pick. I’ll bet you a donut that he won’t consent to having Orly on to rebut his garbage.
Smug bastid.”
“His eyes go cross eyed when he even has the balls to bring this up. He says that he vetted it, but won’t publicly go into how he vetted it. He said that the state of Hawaii gave him a copy of the birth certificate (not certification). He said that he could find out the name of the hospital that President Obama was born in “tomorrow” (if he so chose). He’s a frigging liar. You can see it all over his face and he is being “black mailed” or his hands are tied to elaborate. Any normal person looking at this issue can see that something is up. Camille Paglia, noted LIBERAL, even accepts this fact. They can only keep their thumb in the whole of the dam for so much longer. They think we are stupid, and in the long run (whether during Obama’s term, or afterwards) the truth will be known. All of their careers will be over at that point.”
“I am suspect about O’really picking Orly for a segment. At the very least I thought it would have simply been a gratuitous move.
No doubt it was meant to discredit her and the “movement.”
This on the heels of Judge Carter’s recent new hire. I can’t help but question if it’s not part of a bigger plan being implemented incrementally.”
“I think O’Reilly is a jerk and I don’t like to watch him. He obviously is uninformed of what a NBC is and he thinks he knows it all. They like to discredit those who are trying to find out the truth because he thinks he knows the truth and says BO was born in HI so that makes him NBC. I don’t like O’Reilly. He is a fake conservative. He does not care about the country or the constitution, but he discredits those who do. He is lousy. I also think that Lou Dobbs should switch places with him.”
“BOYCOTT O’REILLY and let people know”
sandy // October 28, 2009 at 9:40 am
My problem is that now that a poll shows that 3 in 10 Americans believe he was born outside the US, why is forcing him to produce vitals frivolous?
O’Reilly just insulted 30% of the population who obviously are not satisfied that the question has been resolved as to birthplace let alone his birth status as a NBC with daddy being a British subject of Kenya.
This is a large portion of the population who are unsatisfied and it is an outrage that the Whitehouse will not address it.
Can someone find that Freepers article with all of the various state and local entities requiring a LONG FORM birth certificate and send it to Mr. O’Rielly along with that poll?
Jacqlyn Smith // October 28, 2009 at 9:44 am
Kim // October 28, 2009 at 9:31 am
JS, sorry re: “keep your friends close and your enemies closer”
I can’t stand to watch him anymore. I want his ratings to tank so his bloviating finds no audience.
That won’t happen….so your best bet is to watch and report the truth and don’t let him get away with this…..there are too many uninformed people out there who are faithful followers of O’Reilly’s….don’t forget he also had a radio show in conjunction with the TV show so he will continue to be high in the ratings. He is also BIG in other countries!
venice // October 28, 2009 at 9:46 am
It is my HO, that America is at a crossroads. The second revolution is here. The question is, will it be violent or not.
Since suppression of the BC issue, is tantamount to declaring that the Constitution has been violated in an unprecedented way, the question is how does one carry on from here?
If the aim is to take down the far left, the Repubs have got that wheel in motion, and judging from Obama and his wingnuts’ response, they’re doing a pretty good job.
If the Constitutionalists want a complete repealing of what has been a progresssive assault on the Constitution, then it involves something completely different. Any thoughts?
sandy // October 28, 2009 at 9:47 am
Okay…..here it is along with the poll. Let’s bombard Fox with this information:
30% of Americans polled believe Obama to be born outside the USA. This poll was conducted by Angus Ried Global Monitor:
With that many citizens unconvinced, how dare they deem a lawsuit bent on resolving the issue frivolous? 30% of “WE THE PEOPLE” DESERVE AN ANSWER
Jacqlyn Smith // October 28, 2009 at 9:48 am
sandy // October 28, 2009 at 9:40 am
My problem is that now that a poll shows that 3 in 10 Americans believe he was born outside the US, why is forcing him to produce vitals frivolous?
Sandy….the problem is…..O’Reilly is listening to the politicians on both sides of the aisle who don’t have a clue what NBC means…..he thinks they are the professionals and know what they are talking about…..when in reality…..they are not as schooled as we Patriots are who know what the founding fathers truly meant for the POTUS to be NBC…..O’Reilly needs his own….REALITY CHECK!!!!!
Linda from NY // October 28, 2009 at 9:49 am
How can anyone take O’Barely seriously? Did you really think he was going to support the cause or tell the truth? After all, he thinks he has laid the BC issue to rest because he is in possession of the document. How absurd!
Criticizing dissenters is rarely a good tactic on a talk show if you do not have the “goods.” He obviously doesn’t know about what he is talking, and neither do his “guests.” The Obotomorons do not deal in reality; we know that. And…their arguments are nonsensical.
He is playing the “counter-punch” to Beck IMHO. He will reap what he sows; garbage.
I agree with venice. He knows more than he is revealing, but he cannot say what he knows because he would lose that high-paying job. He is forcing us to reveal our hand. The more mail he gets, the more press he gets. Either way, good or bad, he gets it.
What is that Alinsky rule that applies here?
Sure…we should let him know what we think of his obnoxious theory. Sure…we should tell him we will no longer listen to his drivel. Sure…we should boycott his show.
But…you and I both know he does not have the guts [there's a better word, I know] to bring on someone who knows the truth about the usurper. He cannot; he was told by his handlers to stifle the truth and spin it as ridiculous. This is a game; a game he is playing.
bob strauss // October 28, 2009 at 9:53 am
I hope O’Reilly takes Barnett up on her offer to appear on his show, but if he did he would have to admit he’s been wrong in his reporting on this issue since the beginning.
When Bill interviewed Obama before the election I thought then, that he was giving Obama a “pass”.
From theconservativemonster.com
I just got off the phone with Orly Taitz, she wants to set up a rally against FOX News in 2 weeks. Stand by for the details....
The Conservative Monster is demanding answers from FOX News and Bill O' Reilly for smearing Orly Taitz last night. They are discrediting her, but do not invite her on to defend herself?
This is NOT just about a birth certificate and I suspect that Bill O 'Reilly is purposely trying to mislead the American people from learning ALL of the facts involved in this case. What are they afraid of? They did not mention that a judge declared that this is a valid case and a court date is set for Jan 26, 2010. They also failed to answer who Barry Soetoro is and the numerous SS#'s that are associated with his names. Bill O' failed to mentioned the request and concerns about why Obama is concealing his school records. Gee, Bill I think you should report the facts before you start calling people crazy in front of millions of people.
FOX News and Bill O' Reiily are discrediting and sabotaging a valid news story and their actions are very suspicious at this point. They do not have to choose sides in this issue, just report the facts. There is a COURT DATE SET and O 'Reilly is hiding this fact from his viewers. I have received hundreds of e-mails from people that are fed up with being called names due to their political views. WE WILL NOT BE SILENCED...
I do not have to bow down to a Saudi Prince; unlike Murdoch, Bill, Beck and Hannity. I only speak the truth and what is on my mind and I am not concerned what people think about me or The Conservative Monster. 150,000 people have read this site in just the first 6 months and many of them are loyal readers that have sent me generous donations to fund this site. They read The Conservative Monster.com everyday expecting the truth and I will not let them down like FOX has let us down with this issue.
Reverend Manning stated that he believes someone made a donation to FOX News to silence Beck, Hannity and Bill O'. I agree with his assessment judging by Bill O's report last night. I am curious if George Soros money was taken to make this story go away?
A Saudi Prince that owns a massive chunk of FOX news stock could be censoring this story from being reported to protect Obama. This Prince has allegedly bragged in the past that he has influenced the news that we are seeing on FOX. Nothing shocks me at this point...
They had two lawyers on last night that obviously have no clue about the case or they just were reading a script to aid in this cover up. What is the big deal? Obama is legally eligible to be president? Fine, he just needs to produce his school records, the passport he used to go to Pakistan and then explain the allegations regarding the numerous SS#'s that Orly is alleging Obama has used in the past. Also, explain to us who Barry Soetoro is? Wow, I must be a racist to ask such questions? No, I am an American and I am sick of the Marxist progressives stepping all over our freedoms and the U.S. Constitution with their global, communist agenda.
Watch this video and then explain to me why that schmuck Bill O' Reilly failed to mention all of these details that I just did. All of the details that I just mentioned are NOT in this report. After the brief hatchet job, Bill (the Murdoch puppet) rushes right into a story about J Lo instead of reporting about a lawsuit against the President of the United States. It smells like a cover up to me.
I have stated this numerous times - ALL of the media outlets would be covering this issue 24/7 if this lawsuit was against a Republican, regardless of his race. Orly Taitz would be touted as a hero, rather than dismissed as someone crazy. If this lawsuit was against GW Bush? I KNOW that the left wing media would be treating the coverage of this case very differently.
A lot of this is fear that the black community will riot if Obama is found guilty of multiply felonies. There is suspicion that this trail of lies leads all the way to the top of the Democrat party. Well, why is everyone so worried? I thought Orly was crazy? If Obama is legit, he should win the case hands down. They are ALL in panic mode, because Judge Carter is not a puppet and he has refused to dismiss this case. They are putting tremendous pressure on Judge Carter, because they do not want to release Obama's school records and birth records, because he will be exposed as a fraud.
Calling people crazy is a common tactic that is used by the left when someone is speaking the truth. Beck and O' Reilly have BOTH made claims that the 'birther' movement is crazy, but they fail to have Orly Taitz on their shows?
I am only interesting in finding out the truth, but I am called crazy for seeking the truth? Is this the country that you fascists want? I am not interested if the criminals that voted for Obama want to riot. Let them riot, that is what riot police and tear gas is for.
If someone from FOX News like like to answer this, I can be reached at cnintruth@aol.com.
Do you realize that if Orly Taitz' points had an open and fair airing on Fox — for say a 60 minute (maybe 30 minute) program — in all likelihood Obama would be gone or “essentially” gone from the Whitehouse within 48 hours!?!
ReplyDeleteI have recently stopped watching O'Reilly as I find him and arrogant smug opportunist. Hearing that he has smeared and negated Orly Taitz' attempt to find out the truth for those of us who feel we have a right to know who is decimating our White HOuse and destroying our country is simply proof that I was right in my assessment of him. It's bad enough that no one on Fox will confront the birth certificate issue but to outwardly try to undermine those who are bravely trying to ferret out the truth is inexcusable. Shame on him! Whose side is he on anyway? I think the conservative media was offered a deal...the White House would let up on the Fairness Doctrine if they would lay off the birth certificate issue. O and company will go to any lengths to keep his citizenship under wraps because that is the one thing that will bring him down and he knows it. How the hell did this happen and where was the RNC during the election that this was not pursued at that time. Somebody either dropped the ball or got a pocket full of money.