Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Media Ignoring Veterans Call For Impeachment
  JB Williams Full Story
(Editor’s Note: They may be battle worn and virtually media-ignored; some of them may need canes and walkers from the crippling wounds they suffered in serving their country to get there. Others on the march to the Washington Monument on 11.11.11 carry wounds and worries of the heart.  They count on word of mouth in “openly calling for the American people to draw a final line in the sand and take a moral and righteous stand for the Constitutional Republic.”  Their faith that America won’t be fundamentally transformed into a Socialist State is unflagging and they count on YOU to be there. From the frontlines comes this report from leader of The United States Patriot Union JB Williams:)  

A handful of perpetual malcontents with their hand out make headline news in every newsroom in America for weeks on end. The 3% who want a free ride on taxpayers back can get coverage anytime they want from the Goebbels-like American media.

1 comment:

  1. HINT:

    All Hands (readers) send this story (url) as a news tip to...infowars.com, Drudgereport, etc, etc.

    Get your own blog and start blogging!

    E-mail and post to everyone yoy know w/request to send to the four winds !!!!!

    Semper Watching!

    Gunny G
    aka: Dick G


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