Monday, November 14, 2011

The MSM won't report it. Even most other Tea Parties won't report it.


But we will. Even though I don't support Ron Paul. It turns out that he was only allowed to speak for 89 seconds in the last 90 minute debate Saturday. There is also now proof that Michele Bachmann is being muzzled, too.

Instead, we get to hear more and more about Romney and now Newt, since their other NWO Globalist candidate Perry self-destructed. Santorum gets very little action, either.  In the meantime, they give Cain plenty of MSM play, while trying to portray him as Mandingo and attacking everything else about him.  What do these candidates ALL have in common? All of them reject the NWO Globalist agenda, to some extent, some more than others. All are homegrown, non-establishment candidates. You want sex scandals?  Google  Larry Sinclair, Nathan Spencer, Donald Young, Larry Bland, the Down-Low Club, Man's Country in Chicago. Where is the media, or Gloria Allred, for that matter, on those?  Why was Gary Johnson pulled from the debates when he was polling better than Huntsman?

Of course, you probably didn't even know that there are dozens of candidates running, huh? Go LOOK.

U.S. citizens- have you had enough?  What are ya gonna DO about it?  I have turned away from TV and get most of my news from multiple sources. I only check MSM to see what the enemy is up to. Remove your support of MSM, to hit them in the ONLY way that they understand.

CBS: “Okay let’s keep it loose though since she’s not going to get many questions and she’s nearly off the charts in the hopes that we can get someone else.”
Politico:  “the media doesn’t believe he has a hoot in hells chance of winning the Iowa caucuses, the Republican nomination or winning the presidency, so we’re gonna ignore him.”

Bachmann “outrageous manipulation”
Paul Campaign:  “What a Joke” .... "It literally made me sick watching the mainstream media once again silence the one sane voice in this election. The one dissenter to a decade of unchecked war. The one candidate who stands for true defense and actual constitutional government. Ron Paul was silenced, in perhaps the most important debate of the cycle."
Bachmann campaign: "While Michele has been onstage at tonight's debate demonstrating strong leadership on foreign policy and national security, we received concrete evidence confirming what every conservative already knows — the liberal mainstream media elites are manipulating the Republican debates by purposely suppressing our conservative message and limiting Michele's questions."

The media's excuse? The candidates aren't polling well. These candidates were both polling quite well, until the media hyped other candidates and dissed them 24/7. When Cain's performance and polls soared, they quickly cut him down to size by attacking him in a way unprecedented since the Sarah Palin mugging.

Ask yourself: WHY does the GOP allow Liberals to control the content, pace, agenda, even who can speak, about what and for how long? Are they just stupid, or do they WANT it that way? Think.

Bachmann, Paul Outraged: CBS Muzzled Us at Debate
Read more on Reps. Bachmann, Paul Outraged: CBS Muzzled Us at Debate

You gotta know I'm desperate for info when I start using InfoWars, but he's right.

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