Sunday, December 4, 2011

Barack Obama is not eligible to be president and he is the most prolific liar in American history.


Lowering The Bar - Legislative Attorney, Jack Maskell, is the latest rectification agent employed by the liberal establishment to prop Obama’s political viability by over-intellectualizing the eligibility clause of the Constitution. Maskell’s 50 page creeping warrant in favor of plurality of citizenry for the U.S. Presidency fails in its promotion of American distinction, blood ransomed values and exceptionalism while suggesting that our founding fathers were ignorant of the possibility of a person like Obama’s more elite and worthy political status when they drafted our rules for presidential eligibility.

by Dan Crosby
of The Daily Pen

NEW YORK, NY – Someone wiser needs to tell legislative attorney, Jack Maskell that shillery only compounds deviance.

When those who have committed epic crimes against humanity are, as a natural consequence, beginning to suffer the wrath they have created by such actions, they will often, as a final plea, forcefully and desperately attempt to over-intellectualize and elevate the reasons for their criminality by dismissing the validity of the original and fundamental truth which they have violated. Essentially, they seek to make the reasons for their deviant behavior seem more complicated than our moral ability to comprehend, and therefore, the reasons for their destructive behavior must be noble and righteous.

This is a common defense mechanism which all living creatures attempt when the consequences of their foul actions become bigger than their ability to control them, or be accountable for them.

This is not unique to fallen man. Even as early as the first moments of creation, Satan himself dismissed the validity of God’s constitution when he propositioned mankind to consider what God had intended, rather than what God had actually commanded not to do. Essentially, Satan masterfully and harmfully created a distinction between our behavior within the security of loving rulership and the motives of that rulership, causing us to doubt the consequences of violating the rules. Even then, the natural consequences of that single, historic violation of pristine rule led to three separate denials of responsibility on the part of three suspects along with division, hostility and the downfall of an entire species, as they blamed one another for their own transgression.

Tragically, reaching beyond the lies and crimes is always the irreparable damage to an essential alliance. For the first time, we became vulnerable to death and loss, having exceeded the moorings of our doctrinal commissions of safety, freedom, provision and security, by violating one simple command from our ultimate constitutional authority.

In the same spirit of Satan’s original aim, Legislative Attorney, Jack Maskell’s recent release through the Congressional Research Service of a document called, “Qualifications For President and the ‘Natural Born’ Citizen Requirement ” carries nothing more than the same millennial legacy of legal deception into the realm of presidential eligibility.

In his 50+ page delusion, Maskell attempts to do one thing. He is acting as an Obama lobbyist to diminish the impact that Obama’s father was not a U.S. citizen on Obama’s eligibility to hold the office of the presidency. Essentially, Maskell alleges that anyone who questions Obama’s eligibility to be president is too stupid to understand what our constitution really means.

The facts remain, however. Barack Obama is not eligible to be president and he is the most prolific liar in American history.

Maskell makes no effort to address Obama’s offense against the blood-ransomed, constitutional freedoms endowed to generations of vintage American people. Instead, he attempts to promote considerations for our founder’s intentions by implying they would have used a different language in the ‘Natural Born’ Eligibility Clause had they known a man, so worthy and entitled, like Obama were to seek the presidency in the future.

Maskell, rather than err on the side of distinction by promoting the blatant command of our forefathers’ pristine authority which says that only the most loyal, comprehensive and exclusive of citizenship may be eligible to be president, or suggest measures for amending what he clearly believes is an absurd rule, attempts to propel a deceptive and creeping warrant which challenges the definition and intended meaning of the words “natural born” used by the framers of our Constitution. Unfortunately for Maskell, this merely indicates yet another desperate, sad and transparently liberal attempt to over-intellectualize the meaning of constitutional doctrine rather than simply redeem the destruction caused by Barack Obama’s fraudulent presidency.

Civil savagery comes in many forms, as Maskell demonstrates. In his opening, Maskell writes:

“There is no Supreme Court case which has ruled specifically on the presidential eligibility requirements…”
Here, Maskell implies incorrectly, that unless the judiciary approves it, presidential eligibility remains open to interpretation. On the contrary, the constitution remains affirmative of the protections of American sovereignty, not passive to inclusiveness and plurality. The Constitution, rather than affording benefit of doubt under the absence of clarity, when the eligibility of a candidate is ambiguously defined, he or she is, by default, not eligible. Freedom to be declared a natural born American is available if circumstances and person are willing to provide such evidence of worthiness.

Contrary to this, however, Maskell’s fallow mooring portends as if legal constructs assume authority over political perception in the voter’s selection of a candidate. No legal mooring on earth will stabilize Obama’s political decline. Illegitimacy is greater than ineligibility at this point.

The weight of historical authority supporting the definition of “natural born” citizenship is distinct and unarguable based on common law which is a basic, most widely held understanding of doctrinal truth among a preeminent consensus, which are those who founded our Constitution. In this case, a “natural born” citizen is one who’s circumstances at birth prevent any legal or perceptible doubts as to his or her birthright to authority. must be born in a geographic location under the legal jurisdictions of the U.S. Constitution AND they must be naturally born unto parents who both are valid U.S. citizens at the time of birth.

As long as Obama remains, wrath will continue to store and vintage America will remain without executive representation in the world.

1 comment:

  1. There is an extremely damaging name on BO's real birth certificate, someone the HI Socialist Democrats either fudged or deliberately snowed under.
    I know, he's my father, too.
    Former East German MFS Stasi "Master Spy" General Markus Wolf specialized in the breeding, grooming, documenting, and running by remote mnemonic command, his "Manchurian Candidates."
    This is no joke, this is no small thing, this has been the basis of my last 33 years as a US Govt. "Study Subject."
    The big question to ask is why the Powers Who Be let this come to this point. I answer that question in my "Fictitious novel, based on facts," BRED TO BE A MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE, available at, or on my own website,
    Just keep in mind that when SCOTUS declares him ineligible - Out goes every bill he signed, every debt he incurred, every Judge he ever appointed...


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