Thursday, January 12, 2012

Watch how easy it is to dupe these sweet little ladies (naive little lambs) working at the New Hampshire polling places. 
The New Hampshire legislature, in its infinite wisdom (proof: its own Ballot Law Commission sits illegally), does not require voters to show identification.  In fact, "The State says we're not allowed to ask for identification" according to one poll worker caught on camera.
ANYONE can vote in New Hampshire.  Even the dead.

Video footage taken by filmmaker James O'Keefe and his organization, Project Veritas shows election workers in New Hampshire giving out ballots in the names of dead voters at multiple voting precincts during the state’s primary election on Tuesday. 
Think this doesn't happen everywhere voter ID is not required?  Think the Obama regime/ACORN/union thugs don't know this and aren't working it to their advantage? Think again...


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