Sunday, October 7, 2012

In 2008, nobody knew who Barack Obama was, where he came from, how he rose to power overnight with a totally blank résumé void of any personal accomplishments and what kind of changes he had in mind for America. Now everyone knows…


By J.B. Williams
October 7, 2012
Reactions to the first Presidential debate are nothing short of astonishing. Pre-debate signs that voters were already migrating away from Obama were fueled by a disastrous debate performance by the empty suit and blank résumé that some still refer to as our current president.
When asked on a radio show for my thoughts on the debate, my reaction was one of confirmation -- I saw exactly what I expected to see, a Chairman of the Board coming to clean house on a corrupt and failed manager.
Mitt Romney controlled the discussion like a seasoned Chairman of the Board using well established facts and figures to dress down a management team that had failed miserably at every opportunity. Democrats now whine about Romney’s proper preparedness as some form of “cheating.”
Obama tried to stay in the game using the same old lies, excuses and empty promises that he used in 2008 to trick voters and in the end, proved once again that he is totally lost without his teleprompter.
I was in no way surprised by the performance of either participant, though it appears that many Americans, including Obama’s many media minions, were in complete and utter shock.

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